Is Kendall Jenner pregnant with Bad Bunny’s baby? Internet users are speculating after the photos

Model Kendall Jenner was caught in a “barrier” in Los Angeles, California, USA, sparking rumors that she is pregnant with singer Bad Bunny’s child. Afraid of speculation, this clique was an optical illusion among other people who were on Kendall’s side.

Kim Kardashian is about to turn 28 years old and was invited to the studio in her final third year (17) and I’m not worried that some of the photos will catch my attention. While getting dressed, Kendall was seen wearing a “pregnant barrique” which, to be fair, looked similar to the skin of other people who were once models.

“Kendall Jenner’s pregnancy will not be part of my bingo card for 2023,” an internet user wrote on X (Financial Twitter). “Kendall Jenner is pregnant??? Middle Hispanic Child”, share with other users. “Just making noise from someone else is much more than creating an illusion,” I confirmed to another two-click person from the same date.

Kendall and singer Benito Ocasio, once known as Bad Bunny, have been together since this year’s fever. I first saw them in the dance hall and also in Los Angeles, California and have been wearing the Gucci bell ever since.

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