Is this the flu’s fault too? Bullrich pledges to resume illegal espionage activities (via DNU) and end compensation

After leaving a sad image in the presidential debate, citing “illness and disability” as an excuse for being unable to answer their questions about what she planned to do about the economy, Patricia Burridge He returned to the debate with bizarre proposals: repeal fines laws for dismissal compensation, abolish labor awards and propose illegal wiretapping, as he has already done. Mauricio Macri.

The “Together for Change” presidential candidate made a decisive decision as he predicted the ideas he plans to implement once he becomes the new president. But that’s not all, he warned that many of its measures border on being unconstitutional or would not be accepted by Congress. Horacio Rodriguez Larretta He expected that “whatever they say” he would carry them forward.

With regard to fines imposed on employers who did not pay redundancy compensation, he pledged that they would be lifted in an extremely arrogant manner. First, he called the laws “ridiculous,” and then said: “If Congress doesn’t repeal severance compensation, I will do so by statute.”

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Alejandro FantinoThe person conducting the interview warned her that she would not be able to do so because she did not have a majority in Congress, to which the candidate said: “Okay. I have a Decree on Necessity and Urgency (DNU) and will abolish them within two minutes.” This silenced everyone present.

Among other things, he has challenged labor rulings in national jurisdictions and is expected to move these courts to the city of Buenos Aires, where the PRO controls the judiciary. Kind of weird, isn’t it?

“Nation-states don’t have to have labor justice if it is tainted and dominated by trade unions. Businessmen will never win trial,” he complained, adding: “I want to save small and medium-sized enterprises, I will not let them be killed die. “

  • Note to readers: During Macri’s government, where she served as security minister, nearly 25,000 small and medium-sized enterprises were closed.

Another of his proposals is that he would promote espionage on detainees exercising their right to defense, as the former president had already attempted at the time. “you can not, Patricia” the reporter retorted.

“They may have a constitutional right to defend themselves, but their defense is recorded. “We’re going to put it in the criminal code,” he warned, continuing: “I can record it, I can use it as evidence, and Not listening to it. Equip this communication with a protection system. It can be used if tomorrow he commits a crime and the judge orders it. “

Finally, he addressed a topic about which he has always been skeptical: public health issues for foreigners living in Argentina. In that sense, it dictates that if it’s an emergency, they can get treatment, but if it’s surgery, whether it’s an appendix or some other reason they have to go into the operating room, they have to pay what they’re owed.

“The only thing that doesn’t charge is accidents. Did you have an accident? You treat him. But if you come in for appendix surgery, you have to pay. If you don’t have the money, you have to pay.” Must hold Health insurance in your country,” he points out, explaining: “If you have an emergency, you’re always there to take care of it. The doctor is obligated to do this, but you need to pay for what is planned. If not, Argentinians “taxes are for people who come for the day.”

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