Island 2023, Cristina Scuccia talks about the trauma after The Voice

Cristina Scucciacurrently competing at theIsland of the Famous 2023he confides in Corinne Clery and recounts the experience in detail traumatic who lived after the debut at The Voice Italy. The former nun decides to open up with the same competitor who had rescued her during an emotional breakdown last night and reveals some details of her past.

There touching confession della castaway tells of a difficult period in his life, which began shortly after participating in the famous talent show: “I lost faith in people, I hid the microphones and then I found my words in the newspapers, I’m looking for sincerity here“, tells.

The contestant also focuses on some of the more episodes unpleasant lived after the television debut and tells of the difficulties in relating to people. Very often, in fact, some strangers approached her only to snatch a few from her unedited statement:

The Voice brought me the trauma of trusting people, there was a period when people approached me and were miked secretly, I was afraid of anyone who approached, I finished singing after mass people approached say goodbye and I happened to find my exact words in the newspaper, today I tell it serenely but over time they have made me lose so much confidence.

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Deeply shaken by the new reality into which she had been catapulted, the former nun says she has embarked on a therapeutic path: “It helped me a lot to do an important job on myself, when I started I was really shattered, and I couldn’t get out of it on my own, it was also difficult to trust“, explains.

Cristina Scuccia tells of having faced moments in which she no longer felt capable of distinguish who had before and trusts in the experience of the island to regain the safety lost: “Trust had become very difficult, I don’t know if the island is the right place to be able to trust people completely” And, hopefuladds: “Here I begin to perceive who is playing and who is having a spiritual experience as I live it, but never say never. However, I have already spotted someone who could gain my trust”.

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