Israeli press: Netanyahu is concerned about the coup

The Israeli press wrote that Benjamin Netanyahu was worried about a coup against him from within the Likud Party, which he heads.

Israeli press: Netanyahu is concerned about the coup

According to the Israeli Ynet news website, Netanyahu, who is concerned about a coup against him from within the Likud Party he leads, met with representatives in Parliament to check the pulse.

‘He wanted to be sure’

An unnamed Likud official said Netanyahu is concerned about rumors that someone else will replace him and wants to make sure there is no group with that idea in the party.

“Secret discussion underway”

Referring to calls made to the prime minister in Israeli politics to “take responsibility for the Gaza war and the October 7 disaster,” the official noted that there had been a secret discussion in Likud in recent days about what should be done after Netanyahu’s dismissal.

A senior Likud official also indicated that the party is discussing the possibility of withdrawing the vote of confidence from the government by nominating another candidate to replace Netanyahu.

Calls for resignation

In the wake of the humanitarian truce for the conflict in the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army has occupied part of the country, tightened the blockade, and the humanitarian crisis has worsened with the ongoing offensive, Israelis continue to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (aa)

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(Tags for translation) Israeli

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