It was reported that 5 people trying to escape from North Korea stepped on a mine

It was reported that 5 people trying to escape from North Korea stepped on a mine

It was reported that 5 people trying to escape from North Korea stepped on mines on the country’s border with China.

Daily NK, based in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, reported, based on sources in North Korea, that 5 people attempted to flee to China from the country’s borders near the Musan area of ​​North Hamgyong Province in October.

It was reported that those who tried to escape stepped on mines in the area near the border, but no information was available about the fate of the people concerned.

The sources reported that last September, 3 people lost their lives as a result of the explosion of mines that they stepped on while trying to escape from the area.

The report stated that the North Koreans may have tried to flee to China “in order to earn money due to the deteriorating economic conditions” in their country.

*News visual provided by The Associated Press.

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(Tags for translation)North Korea

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