“It’s all the triplets’ fault”

Jealousy and threesomes are among the main reasons for the separation of singer Benji Mascolo and actress Bella Thorne.

More than a year has passed since their separation. Benji Mascolo revealed the behind-the-scenes story of the end of his love story with the actress Bella Thornewhich started in 2019. The singer did this to Againpodcast OnePodcast in which Luca Casadei he interviews individuals who survived a fall, a difficult moment and managed to get a second chance.

Benji Mascolo and the hot secret that ruined his relationship with Bella Thorne

Benji Mascolo;  Cinematographe.it

Benji Mascolo began to explain the reasons for his breakup with Bella Thorne from the very beginning, that is, from how they met and how they fell in love with each other. A meeting that took place in the year of the separation of the duo Benji and Fede. “For the first time in five years, I’m taking a few months off and traveling around America alone. I go to Los Angeles for Coachella, where I meet Bella Thorne and we fall in love. What struck me about her was that she was a determined and extremely intelligent girl. What fascinated me about her was her humanity, her way of being herself. For the first time, I felt understood in matters related to fame. We had a lot in common. She was famous all over the world from the age of 10, she was a superstar in the world and I was a star in Italy. I understood her, and she understood me. It was as if we were united in this desire to live like children again precisely because we had given up several years of a carefree life.“.

Their love story begins like a real fairy tale: “At first everything goes very well. We are both very happy, we feel like children. We are in love, I take her to Italy, to Lake Como, to Sardinia, she discovers beautiful things and Italian culture. She takes me to America, we travel around the world. Then we go back to work, and thanks to her, I become interested in cinema, because I start going to the set. Meanwhile, she is interested in music. I imagine myself there, in that world“. However, problems soon arise, namely when Bella Thorne enters into the report threesome with other girls: “She is bisexual and likes both girls and men. In America, she was often alone and suffered greatly from loneliness, so there were many hours of phone calls in which she cried and told me: “I am alone.” One day he asks me if he can go on a date with a girl. At this moment I say yes. I wanted to make her happy, but later I realized that I suffered partly from this as jealousy. I felt less attacked at the time, but I actually got over it. There was a time when she went with other girls while I was in Italy. Then it so happened that we had sexual relations with other girls. At first you think: “How cool. I’m engaged, in love, and what’s more, I’m sleeping with other women: models, actresses…” You feel cool. I didn’t realize that this thing was slowly destroying our intimacy.To”.

Thus, a threesome radically changes the love story between Benji Mascolo and the actress. “Being immature, I didn’t know how to handle the situation. I started seeing girls at parties and thinking, “I wonder what she’s like, maybe we could take her to bed together.” I entered this loop, very wrong. This made the relationship toxic, largely my fault. I felt like a kid in a chocolate factory, so I ate everything. We’ve gone through our very intense lifestyle“, – said the singer. Jealousy, then, did everything else: “I was mentally jealous when he was with other girls and took attention away from me. Even in my presence. She was jealous when we had a threesome and after that I wanted to do it again. He once commented something like, “Yeah, but you never want to do it twice in a row with me.” It’s these little things that make us realize that each of us has experienced other things too. In my opinion, it was a lose-lose situation for both of us. The relationship lasted three years, a little more than three years. This relationship lasted approximately a year and a half.“.

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