It’s been a month since the Tarazona gastroenteritis outbreak started, and its origin remains unknown

It’s been a month since the Tarazona gastroenteritis outbreak started, and its origin remains unknownAndrea Volniku

If they tell people on September 10th Tarazona I probably wouldn’t believe it if I said I wouldn’t be able to drink tap water for a whole month. The so-called protozoa crisis just ended 31 days ago, It’s unclear where the source of the contamination is. The river Queles brought four cities (Tarrazona, Torreras, Los Fayos and Novaras) and the Aragonese government under control.

what can be confirmed is Question from Castile and Leon After confirming the presence of oocysts Cryptosporidium Already passing through the town of Soria in Vozmediano, Quiles A month later the big question remains:. It’s not clear why or where the microbe got into the water. The coordination work has been taken care of by the State Administration.

In addition, the study also showed that There has been a turnaround in recent days This makes finding the cause of the contamination more complicated.While all eyes are on the Vozmediano fish farm – where native animals have been discovered downstream – IEurotrucha company confirms its fish are free of this parasite After conducting a series of analyses.

Although the company has not been linked to the gastroenteritis outbreak, in the area Sampling has been stepped up and more specialized laboratories will be called upon for analysis. The aim is to completely rule out trout as a vector for this parasite, which is common in cattle and sheep but also found in fish.

Throughout the month and after the shuffle Some hypotheses, such as heavy rains may have washed away some of the remnants In Quayles, there has been an increase in disinfection and cleaning of Tarazona tanks, pipes and catchment areas.All measures are preventive and some of them, e.g. The ban on drinking tap water will last for at least 15 days.As the Aragonese government reported this Monday following the latest analysis.

scientific standards

The Quailes River is still polluted, but less and less.Here’s the good news from the past few hours because there is Protozoa have begun to recede from the riverbed This brings people closer to water usage.

Analysis of all water samples collected on October 2 from rivers and water supplies in the affected areas showed that protozoan populations are declining. In fact, dand this will repeat itself over the next two weeks with similar presence values Cryptosporidium you can drink water again in four municipalities.

Specifically, of the 8 samples collected, the results were 0.03 oocysts per liter in the supply network of Tarazona; 0.01 in Torrelas and the Federal Collection of Aguas del Moncayo is 0.02. For its part, in the common collection of four municipalities, in the water of Los Fayos, the Novalas network, and at the entrance and exit of the Tarazona water treatment plant, zero oocysts were found.

The contagious curve caused by the Tarazona gastroenteritis outbreak began to recede days ago, in fact, No new cases were reported over the weekend.. This leaves the number of people affected since the first case was announced on September 9 and 10 at 520.

Clinically, the patient’s condition is mild and manifests as diarrhea. In special cases, vomiting and fever may occur at the same time..No serious cases occurred or require hospitalization.

Sources from the Department of Health revealed yesterday that since September 20, the feces of symptomatic people have been analyzed to detect the presence of protozoan oocysts, and the results have been negative.This allows us to consider that the cases of acute gastroenteritis detected in Tarazona since this date may have constituted a baseline case number, i.e. Under normal circumstances, a normal number of this pathology exists in the population.

Criteria for determining when water is suitable for drinking It is marked by scientific guidance from the UK on this matter. According to this document, when the average of a series of results is less than 10 oocysts in 100 liters of water, it is considered that no oocysts are present and the water is therefore drinkable. That is, there are 0.1 oocysts per liter of water. so, Oral water can be consumed again when results for two consecutive weeks show that the average number of oocysts per liter of water is less than 0.1.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health has Consider sterilization Fighting against this protozoa on the Internet has actually The Zaragoza company OX-CTA has been contacted. On Monday, technicians from the company and the Aragon Water Institute carried out field visits in the region to evaluate the technology, which could see more applications in the short term.

This would be an alternative to solutions that have been proposed before, e.g. Installation of water treatment plant using UV technology in each of the four municipalitiesTherefore a large pipeline of 7 kilometers was laid to take water from the source From the Quailes River to the catchment area. This will avoid dangerous parts of the Vozmediano area as it will take water directly from where the water flows.All these possible solutions will be financed by the Aragonese government

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