“It’s frustrating, but I stand by my union”

The Arrow star was among the first to openly oppose the Hollywood actors’ strike, calling it “disappointing and short-sighted.”

Since it started about three weeks ago, Hollywood actors strike it hasn’t stopped making headlines, for better or worse. The alliance between the stars is clear, regardless of their importance in the sector and their wages, everyone decided to join this break in order to improve the conditions of the most disadvantaged, who represent the majority of union members, compared to the small percentage that Hollywood stars can consider real. Every? Not really.

The first controversy arose with exceptions that the union grants to various filming independent studios, many of them with big stars in the cast like Paul Rudd or Jenna Ortega. Voices such as Sarah Silverman and Viola Davis have been critical of these permits and have directly targeted their main characters as scabs given that the fate of many of these “independent” films will be content-stripped streaming platforms after months of blockade that will trigger a strike. .

And here’s Stephen Amell, the protagonist of the DC series arrowwent a little further. Amell was the first translator to speak directly against the strike.even if he later corrected his words in the face of the avalanche of negative comments received.

Stephen Amell - Cinematographe.it

Speaking at GalaxyCon in North Carolina, Stephen Amell spoke about the strike, saying: “I feel isolated in Hollywood because that’s where I live. I feel like a lot of people in this room don’t know about the strike… I support my union, yes, and I’m with them, but I don’t support the strike. I think this is a reductionist negotiating tactic and I find it incredibly frustrating. I think it’s shortsighted but I stand by my union.

That is, I support my union, but I do not support the strike that my union promotes to fight for my rights. Or something like that. And of course, the internet and the film industry jumped on him, which led the actor to clarify his words in a lengthy Instagram post: “so that there is no misunderstanding of my thoughts and intentions”Bye “We all know that sound can be taken out of context”.

“Basically, I understand why we are here. Of course, I don’t like strikes. Nobody likes it. But we must do what we must do. There is nothing funny about a strike. I’m just sad that we don’t have the opportunity to celebrate the show that literally broke our backs.”. Amell refers to the fact that he cannot, under the terms of the actors’ union, promote the new season of his show. heels.

Stephen Amell ended his argument like this: “This situation reminds me of the adage “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” which, after reading a few comments, seems to be a place that many of you would like me to visit. However, for the foreseeable future at least, I prefer to support the union. When you see me kicking, please don’t throw fruit at me.”.

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