It’s Summer: The Hare Concerts Are Back

Would a concert program really be sustainable? Probably not, but Coldplay and many other international artists are trying.

English band to bring their band to Italy from tomorrow world tour Museround shape In stadiums: The group made its debut in Naples (complete with a tribute to Pino Daniele and a few words in the dialect), will repeat tonight at Maradona Stadium and then in Milan on 25, 26, 28 and 29.

Several green promises announced in real time on the PopBand website: so far, The tour produced 47% fewer CO2 emissions than in 2016-17 And the target is to reach 50%. for every ticket soldCommitted to Chris Martin & Co. plant a Tree (At present there are already 5 million trees which will be planted by One Tree Planted NGO in 17 different states). The platform is made from recycled materialsLike aluminum and bamboo, portable and rechargeable batteries, renewable energy and solar panels are used for lights and audio, biofuels are used for travel.

the audience is its hero echoing success of coldplay Thanks to the kinetic floor that transforms their dancing into clean energy and LED bracelets made of vegetable plastic that can/should be returned at the end of the concert.

The band also thought about the side effect of transporting 250,000 people to Milan alone in 4 days: thanks to an app in collaboration with SAP, Those who take the instrument will be entitled to exemption, Of course, this isn’t exactly environmental compensation, but most fans will still travel by metro given the lack of parking around the San Siro.

Still in Milan, but in a decidedly different context such as the Teatro alla Scala, Nature will also be on stage tomorrow, June 23, for a performance by the mezzo-soprano joyce didonato Together,Orchestra Il Pomo Di,Oro, who brings opera to the temple of opera Eden,

Date only in Italy, Concert-story explores the relationship between the environment and humanity and adheres to the commitment of Francesca Rao Foundation to (to whom the evening is dedicated) #Philanthropyforclimatechange Launched in Europe by Daphne, Donors & Foundation Networks. A mission statement to support environmental and social sustainability in the context of poverty and inequality. The bill features a repertoire of arias by Handel, Gluck, Wagner, Mahler, Ives, Copland and Oscar winner Rachel Portman.

It May Not Be 100% Sustainable But It Will Definitely Be One Of The Greener Events Of The Year Power Our Planet: Living in Paris, The massive free concert that will enliven the Champ de Mars in Paris tonight, June 22, will feature performances from superstars such as Lenny Kravitz, Billie Eilish, HER, John Baptiste.

The show is organized by Action and Impact Taker Movement Global Citizens and Emmanuel Macron, sponsored by none other than a guest of the house, and takes place in conjunction with Summit for a new global funding agreement Which these days brings together global leaders in the capital city of Paris.

the goal of the summit Align international programs to fight climate change, social inequalities and biodiversity loss with the SDG Sustainable Development Goals, Oscar Gutierrez as head of the United Nations, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, European Union leader Ursula von der Leyen and Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley.Bridgetown Initiative To facilitate access to international funding for the countries most vulnerable to climate change.

An appeal that will be launched on stage by eco-pop star Billie Eilish (who has always given up traveling by plane and promotes sustainable live shows) and other artist activists united in a single message: transition to clean energy for all To encourage the countries of the world as well as to strengthen their immunity against natural disasters.

The luminous wristbands worn by fans, one of the symbols of Coldplay concerts, will be made from recycled materials, but production will be reduced by 80% as those from previous tours will also be reused.

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Work "Child" Created by artist Dario Tironi with objects donated by citizens of Milan, on display until 14 November in one of 5 Enel locations in Padua

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