Its uses and recommended dosage

Sea salt, or whole sea salt, is a condiment obtained through the natural evaporation of sea water or salt lakes. Due to its high sodium content (a mineral that balances the amount and distribution of water in the body), sea salt helps regulate blood pressure.

On top of that, sea salt contains calcium and magnesium, minerals that add flavor and color to this dressing. However, sea salt has the same sodium content as other types of salt, such as refined and Himalayan salt, so it should be consumed in moderation.

Sea salt can be found in supermarkets or health food stores as fine grains or flakes, may or may not be iodized, and can be white, pink, black or gray in color.

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what is this for

The main health benefits of sea salt consumption in moderation are regulation of blood pressure and improved absorption of nutrients. This is because the salt is rich in sodium, a mineral that regulates the amount and distribution of water in the body and allows nutrients to enter cells.

Plus, when whole salt is rich in iodine, a mineral necessary for thyroid hormone formation, it also regulates thyroid function, helping to prevent problems like hyperthyroidism and goiter.

Difference Between Sea Salt and Refined Salt

Refined or table salt goes through a refining and bleaching process where many of the minerals are also removed. Likewise, this salt also contains anti-caking agents, which are chemical additives that prevent moisture from forming and give foods a finer, looser texture.

Sea salt has the same sodium content as refined salt. However, this salt has not undergone a refining process, so it has slightly more mineral content than refined salt. Likewise, whole salt has no additives and can be flaky, coarse-grained, or fine-grained in texture.

Another natural and additive-free salt is fleur de sel, which has a crunchy texture and tangy flavor and is often used at the end of seasoning preparations. Learn about the main benefits of fleur de sel.

Nutrition Facts of Sea Salt

The following table lists the nutrient content for 10 grams, equivalent to 2 teaspoons of sea and refined salt:

It’s important to remember that sea salt, or whole salt, has the same amount of sodium as other types of salt, such as refined, Himalayan, or kosher salt. Therefore, such salts should also be consumed in moderation.

Recommended amount

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming a maximum of 5 grams of salt per day, which equates to about 1 teaspoon of sea salt per day.

This sign is because excess salt intake can raise blood pressure, which can increase the risk of serious heart problems such as stroke or heart attack.

how to spend

Sea salt can be used to season dishes such as salads, meats, breads, soups, noodles, stews and sauces.

In addition to this, whole salt can also be used in the preparation of home remedies, such as mouthwashes and nasal washes for sinusitis. Learn how to make your own nasal wash for sinusitis.

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