Its uses, benefits and how to prepare it

Since ancient times, some plants and natural remedies have been used around the world, both in the West and the East, to prevent and treat disease. Today, current pharmacology provides solutions for many conditions, but it is not bad to add these natural products as healthy alternatives. Take bay leaf and cinnamon tea as an example, what properties it has and how to brew it at home.

Certain vegetables and spices have medicinal properties due to their components and can help reduce the symptoms of certain diseases. Always remember that these foods are not magic and must be followed as prescribed by your family doctor and specialists.

As far as the combination of bay leaf and cinnamon is concerned, each of its ingredients has infinite properties.but also It is used to make tea with both so that the cinnamon will sweeten and give a better flavor to the brewed tea.

Cinnamon and Bay Leaf Properties and Benefits

Cinnamon is a spice commonly used in desserts. From French pastries to Armenian pastries, they use cinnamon in sweets and cakes. But this Sri Lankan factory has many features that many people don’t know about.

Contains Thiamine and Niacin, Vitamins C and E; Contains Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Iron, Zinc and Manganese. Because of all these ingredients, cinnamon has health benefits. On the one hand, it aids in dieting and weight loss treatments by speeding up metabolism.

Additionally, people suffering from diabetes can consume it to regulate blood sugar levels. Since it contains vitamins, it stimulates insulin receptors, thereby inhibiting the enzymes that activate them.

Bay leaf properties and benefits Bay leaf properties and benefits

It also helps the heart in an indirect but very necessary way: it lowers the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, but also increases the levels of good cholesterol.

In itself, laurel wreath Contains essential oils such as pinene, cineole, linalool, sabinene, and limonene; organic acids such as acetic acid, nonanoic acid, and propionic acid, vitamins A and C, and minerals such as manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, Zinc, potassium and magnesium.

Properties and Benefits of Cinnamon Properties and Benefits of Cinnamon

According to the Tua Saúde website, this huge nutrient richness means bay leaves have properties that help with liver and intestinal spasms. It is a very useful plant when you suffer from respiratory illnesses such as influenza, bronchitis, and pharyngitis.

Like cinnamon, it promotes the drainage of fluids, Acts as a good diuretic. This helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body throughout the day.

For women, bay leaf is very beneficial at certain times of the month, as it reduces so-called metrorrhagia (heavy menstruation, which can lead to iron deficiency in the body), and conversely, light menstruation.

How to Prepare Bay Leaf and Cinnamon Tea

Recipe for making cinnamon bay leaf tea at home: You will need five cups of mineral water, six bay leaves and one teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

To prepare, bring water to a boil in a pot over medium heat. When boiling, add bay leaves and cinnamon. Lower the heat slightly and let everything cook for 15 minutes.

Then, turn off the heat and let sit until the water is lukewarm. At this point, you must strain out the remaining bay leaves and cinnamon and pour the infusion into a glass to drink.

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