I’ve been working remotely since before the pandemic and I love it: Here’s what I do

When we are in the midst of a pandemic, a common question is: “How are you? telecommute? “. My answer is always the same: “I’ve been doing this since 2013. “I am neither better than others nor worse than others. Simply put, in my case this is not new because this happens in a high proportion of the Spanish population.

In those moments, some of the close people I spoke to asked me how I did it, what habits I had developed, and sometimes they even asked me to play the role of consultant (due to lack of ability). Too much.

But it’s true that after ten years of working from home, you’re developing a set of habits and customs that, at least for me, work for me. I emphasize “for me” because everyone is different and what I’m about to explain to you below may only apply to my situation.

Make a schedule

Wear it even if you work remotely fixed schedule. Start work at X time every day, and if you have a job that allows you to finish at a specific time (not my case), then that’s it.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of the opportunity to work from home for more flexibility (which is great if you have kids or kids show up unexpectedly), but there are always some limitations.

This is a normal job and others should know it.

This is a very important part to me and one of the parts that cost me the most.to home work, it’s only logical that people around you think you have tremendous flexibility. After all, there’s no boss in the next office controlling your arrival. This means that when something special needs to be done, you are always the one who has to adapt.

Or, for example, if you go on a trip, always plan to leave after your companions have finished their work, as if you could leave at any time.

Therefore, an important and complex part is doing pedagogy.Let the people around you understand, especially those who accompany you You live like a coupleyour job is just like theirs, with schedules and obligations.

Office and closed door

For the first two years I worked remotely, we only had one room in our house, so I lived in the living room. Every day at noon, I remove my computer, paper, pens, and printer to set aside lentils, pasta, or whatever I need. Later, the restaurant was converted back into offices. I have a great job, but it has nothing to do with having an office.

As I watched my identity as a freelance journalist take shape, we looked for an apartment with an extra room and my Quality of Life Increase. Every morning, as I wash my face and make coffee, the corridor between my kitchen and my office becomes a street, a sidewalk, and a traffic light that anyone must pass through to reach their workplace.

I went in, closed the door, and asked not to be disturbed as much as possible.

About what to wear when going out

This is a very important part and one that I’ll probably conflict with most people. That’s why I started by saying these are not suggestions, just telling me what works for me. Then everyone can do what they want.

During the epidemic, Many people said that he got up and got ready as if he was going to work outside. (as usual). It gave him the feeling of leaving home and changing his environment. That doesn’t help me.

I wear casual clothes to work and feel comfortable. In fact (and I haven’t said this many times) when I have to go out (usually for work, sometimes I go out too), I wear those clothes when I come back.This is the most comfortable thing for me. Be careful. I shower every day, but I don’t wear street clothes.

coffee time

Almost since I started working remotely, I’ve had a habit: I make myself a cup of coffee, bring it to the office, and drink it as I start my day. Also, around ten in the morning, I eat something, usually toast and cold cuts.

At first, I continued working while eating lunch. But for a while I thought: “I’d like another hour (or 15 minutes) of coffee”.

The company is doing the opposite: Employees equate teleworking with an 8% increase, and when it ends, it’s better to take a vacation

From then on, always around 12 o’clock, I would make toast and eat it, either walking around the house or sitting in the kitchen or in front of the computer (but watching on YouTube with my Non-work related “nonsense”, they know it all in my head).

When I started doing this, my quality of life improved as well.

Strict progress control

forward Study Journalism, I studied Tourism at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). The system is to study a book (almost always written by a teacher) and check the content yourself.

So, I started to strictly limit the time I spent studying (even minus the time I spent going to the bathroom or talking to the person next to me in the library). In this way, I can roughly know, How many pages can he read in an hour? And calculate how long it will take to complete the book.

Telecommuting: Six key points from a brief history, not just a fad, nor a labor revolution

I have transferred this habit (strict time control) to work. I no longer take breaks when I go to the bathroom, but I take breaks when I’m on the phone (if not working), when I spend some time with my son, or when I spend 10 minutes chatting with my wife.

I think this is a very important thing when it comes to mental (and physical) health. When you find yourself working productively for 10, 11, or 12 hours, you begin to understand why you’re so exhausted and don’t want to do anything. Then you start taking action.


This telecommuting tip is similar to the previous one. Controlling time is order, even a little manic. Well, I am, I’m very neat about my work.

Pens in one place, markers in another, dirty paper in its original place, pages in another, notebook drawer, drawer with stapler and paper clips, files with invoices, files with reports and Keep documentation of invoices. I’m not cooperating anymore. Everything is in perfect order.

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