I’ve only been using Steve Jobs’ productivity tips for three days and I’m already seeing results.

The Apple founder hasn’t given up on his happiness, which is why he optimizes his energy instead of his working hours

Since September, I have a new goal of going back to school, and it has to do with my job.When the summer ended, I felt like telecommuting took a toll on me, those Tips I use to increase productivitydid not give the same results as at the beginning of the year.

Like a mantra, I told myself renew or die and started researching how some of the most influential people in the world increased their productivity. For example, Michelle Obama uses this time management method and Tim Cook has tips for improving productivity This completely breaks the multitasking that became so popular a few years ago.

My last discovery came from Steve Jobs.I only implemented it in my daily life for three days Your productivity tips are already yielding results for me.

The key to success is energy management.Words from Steve Jobs

Naz Beheshti was an assistant to Steve Jobs at Apple.Now he directs Pranazthe corporate wellness company she founded and is the author of the book pause. breathe.Choose: Become the CEO of your happiness. In this book, he provides us with some keys to prioritizing well-being, something Jobs did every day and which, in his own words, “gave him the energy, clarity, and vision to sustain his Succeed and build Apple,” as he puts it.in a CNBC interview.

But Steve Jobs’s secret didn’t really exist. This is very useful even when it comes to time management. According to Beheshti, Steve Jobs’ secret to productivity is managing his energy.

We may think of being productive as trying to “get” more hours in the day.This has nothing to do with sleeping less or working more hours, in fact there are some studies that confirm this If we work for four days, we will be less stressed and? In a five-day work week, one day we do nothing.

Rest is very necessary if we think about productivity It is also important to organize ourselves well, because if we are tired or sleepy, it is impossible to perform tasks correctly. What makes Jobs’s game work is that he pursued productivity without sacrificing happiness, and he accomplished this by managing workload based on energy.

The first step is to analyze our day and find the times when we have the most energy. As far as I’m concerned, my most productive hours are from 9am to 1pm, these four hours are more productive for me than the six hours after a meal.Once our “production time” is specified We will place the most challenging, more focused, or more complex tasks within this range, leaving the lighter ones for the rest of the workday. It’s that simple.

Now the good news: it works. I have been doing this for 3 days and it only takes 10 minutes in the morning and I feel more productive, without the stress of daily life. I almost feel like I could build an empire like Steve Jobs did, although that may be a result of the energy that comes from feeling productive.

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