Jennifer Aniston social photos of vacation with (celebrity) friends

How did Jennifer Aniston spend her summer? Traveling with your (famous) friends. The actress just told us about it by posting a series of photos of herself on Instagram. Jason Bateman, Jimmy Kimmeland their wives: Molly McNearney and Amanda Anka. The group also included director Will Speck, immortalized while walking with other VIPs. But they were there too Clyde and Lord Chesterfield, Jennifer’s favorite dogs.: Also featured in Summer Photo Dump, as stated in the caption of the post, which also includes video in which Jennifer is wearing a bikini and sunglasses, stroll with a cocktail in hand along a beautiful beach full of palm trees.

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Images that speak of a summer full of joy. On the other hand, the fifty-four-year-old actress always said that likes to surround himself with friends. And that he is so happy, despite the lack of news on the emotional front. Since when In 2017, she divorced her number two husband, Justin Theroux. – the first one was Brad Pitt who left her for Angelina Jolie – not a single man managed to make her heart beat again. He still hopes for great love, but is in no hurry.

Because he understood it you can feel (very) good even when you’re alone, even when the world is screaming “poor thing” at you. And that you don’t have to start a family at any cost to feel complete. Her final words on the topic of “motherhood and its environment” were, as always, quite frank: “Women are pressured to become mothers, and if they don’t, they are considered damaged goods. Perhaps my purpose on this planet is not to procreate. Perhaps I have other things I should do.”. For example, enjoying a summer full of joy with your closest friends.

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