Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are apparently having a discussion inside her van

Singer Jennifer Lopez and actor Ben Affleck were spotted having what appeared to be a discussion in their car in Los Angeles, US.

The captured images show Affleck gesticulating vigorously while Lopez simply screams at him.

After a few moments, if the translator noticed it On the floor enjoys dinner while the actor talks to her.

However, searching for the same confirmed this exclusively Page six that “I’m not having a heated discussion.”

Representatives for both actors did not respond to media inquiries.

While it’s unclear why famous people were talking about this, you know Affleck has gotten a lot of media attention lately thanks to his ex-wife, actress Jennifer Garner, and one of his hijabis, Seraphina.

Since splitting in 2015, Garner and Affleck have remained friendly with their children Violet, Seraphina and Samuel.

The actor moved on with Lopez and got married in July 2022, while Garner is dating actor John Miller.

“The drama of the past and the emotions of the divorce have faded a lot and everyone is fulfilling that function,” the source shared.

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