Jessie Ichauspé explains tips for controlling blood sugar

We feel tired, have no energy, and no vitality. We feel hungry constantly, our bodies ask us to eat sweets, and food makes us feel anxious. We experience brain fog, fatigue, and memory loss. The body asks us for carbs and sugar to temporarily calm us down and make us think this is what we need to make us feel better. If you feel like you’re reflected in this portrait, you’re living on a roller coaster of blood sugar and insulin spikes.this will be diagnostic Jesse InjospeHis research focuses on how excess glucose damages our physical and emotional health, causes us to gain weight and ages us.

He’s in his early 30s, has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, a master’s degree in biochemistry, more than 2 million followers on Instagram, and a book, glucose revolution, the book has become a bestseller and has been translated into more than 40 languages. Now he’s published again, giving us the keys to controlling blood sugar spikes. This is Jessie Inchauspé’s approach.

what is glucose

Glucose, he explains, is “the body’s preferred source of energy. Every one of our cells requires glucose to function, and the easiest way to provide it is through food. Specifically, with starch or sugar. The question is, if You consume too much glucose, and bad things start to happen to your body: weight gain, acne, menstrual changes, memory loss…

The key is to be happy. Starches and sugars bring us happiness, which is why a huge industry has been created around the foods that appeal to us. “When we suddenly give the body a large amount of glucose, blood sugar rises and, as a result, insulin rises,” experts say. We will have a blood sugar spike and then an insulin spike, and when this happens frequently we may have:

  • increased appetite: We feel hungry soon after eating due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
  • fat storage: When insulin levels are high, the body tends to store more visceral fat.
  • Fatigue and low energy levels: After an insulin surge, blood sugar levels drop quickly, which can make you feel tired and lack energy.

Jessie Inchauspé suggests that if you live between peaks and valleys like this, it can make you feel tired throughout the day, make you crave sweets, and make you feel hungry at all times. Four keys to help you control these oscillations and restore stability.

1. Eat in the correct order

Jessi Inchauspé says a meal affects blood sugar levels differently, depending on the order in which you eat the food: “If you eat right, you can reduce peak blood sugar levels by 75% and 40% with insulin.” The correct order is this:

  1. vegetable
  2. protein and fat
  3. starch and sugar

Start every meal with vegetables because the fiber they contain forms a protective net when it reaches the intestines, reducing the absorption of glucose into the blood. We’ll continue adding protein and fat, and finally add carbs. What would happen if everything was mixed in our food, like paella or stew?The trick will be Add green launcher: One raw carrot, one tomato…and then the main course.

2. Eat salty breakfast

Jessie Inchauspé’s approach emphasizes changing breakfast habits. “The sweet breakfasts we typically eat cause spikes in blood sugar, but salty breakfasts don’t. If you rush to start your day, you’ll have consequences: hungrier, more tired, more cravings.” Avoid this, he says. The simplest approach to the situation is Build breakfast around protein: Eggs, cheese, tofu, nuts…and then as much fiber and fat as you want, you can add a slice of toast, just for fun. You can also enjoy Greek yogurt with nuts and berries for that sweet taste you’re craving.

3. Drink vinegar before meals

Although she mentioned apple cider vinegar, she also noted that any other vinegar will work. The key is acetic acid, which helps us reduce peak blood sugar and insulin by 30%. For this reason, the author recommends that we drink a glass of water with one tablespoon of vinegar diluted 10 or 15 minutes before meals.

4. After-meal activities

Exercise is always good, but Jessie Inchauspé advises, After dinner, let’s stretch our muscles, even if it’s only 10 minutes. It doesn’t matter how we do it: dancing, cleaning the house, playing with the dog… the important thing is not to stand still and flatten the blood sugar curve. It’s also great for easing drowsiness and improves our physical and mental health.

What about sugar?

We must learn to say goodbye, or at least, minimize its consumption as much as possible (and always after a meal, Never take it on an empty stomach). Whether it’s table sugar, molasses, honey, agave… “They are all made from glucose and fructose molecules. We don’t need them, we just get them for pleasure. If you can’t avoid sweets, eat them fresh of whole fruit.” Regarding sweeteners, he noted, “The ideal is not to eat them, but it’s always better to eat something bland or with sweeteners than sugar.”

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