Jimmy Fallon, here’s what he did and why he was accused of toxic behavior on the set of The Tonight Show • TAG24

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Jimmy Fallon apologized to The Tonight Show staff via Zoom on Thursday, September 7, following a Rolling Stone article/investigation about alleged toxic behavior in the workplace.

Jimmy Fallon, that’s what he did

Fourteen former employees and two current employees belonging Evening showa famous American television variety show, shared her experience with the magazine, saying that the employees were in a difficult situation. “a constant state of fear” partly due to to Fallon’s alleged “abnormal” behavior.

Rolling Stone later reported that Fallon and Lo showrunner Chris Miller they encountered communication with employees during a video call.

One of the employees regarding toxic behavior Fallon stated in an interview:

“You never know what kind of Jimmy we’ll get or when he’ll have a hissing attack. Look how many showrunners have left so quickly. We know they didn’t last long.”

Over the past nine years, the show introduces a new showrunner every year.

Some employees reported using guest locker rooms as “crying rooms”because that’s where they went to calm their emotions.

Because he was accused of toxic behavior

According to some rumors, Jimmy Fallon has been acting toxic since… Late at night To Evening show.

Employees on bad days they will be prone to tantrumsanother time they witnessed Fallon drunk on set and there was a star too accused of cruel comments on the writing of the material, while Showrunners were accused of unexpectedly and without justification firing some employees.

It remains to be seen whether these claims are against Jimmy Fallon and the show’s showrunners, among many others contained in the report, are truthful and specific.

According to some rumors, Fallon could have been removed from the stage after this scandal. This isn’t the first time a presenter has been accused of toxic behavior in the workplace, and in 2020 Ellen DeGeneres closed The Ellen DeGeneres Show lnext season.


READ ALSO – Jimmy Fallon’s Wife Nancy Juvonen and How to Recognize a Toxic Friendship: Here are 8 Warning Signs

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