Jordi Sánchez in “La que se cerca” is on the verge of death and his testimony will amaze you

Actor Jody Sanchez, who plays Antonio Recio in “La que se cerca,” gave one of his most honest and touching interviews on the “The Naked Project Podcast.” There, the translator shocked everyone by recalling how COVID-19 left him in a coma for 23 days.

“I had COVID-19 and after eight days of fever, I went to the hospital and as soon as I entered they told me: ‘We’re going to intubate you.'” I called home in Barcelona. “I didn’t feel bad, they slept for 23 days,” Jordi Sánchez said of the worst experience of his life.

The coma left him with “cruel hallucinations.” So much so that when he woke up, he believed “he was in Colombia.” “Then you wake up and it’s like you’re 35 years older because I can’t walk, I can’t eat, and I pick up my tablet to watch a movie and it’s as heavy as a table to me…”, recalled. . Actor of “La que se cerca”.

Reflections on Jordi Sánchez: “I understand that we die day by day”

When he wakes up he has another hallucination that leads him to believe that his son is dead. Jody Sanchez still remembers that horrific moment with horror: “I remember the whole funeral, the whole funeral, everything. So of course when they told me he was alive, I started crying… There was a chicken in the hospital, It’s just too bad.”

The actor compared his hallucinations to those of his co-star Antonio Resines, who was also in a coma for a long time due to the coronavirus: “For me, it hit the negative On one side, Resines was negotiating European peace with Hitler. The same thing happened to him, they made him fall asleep and he also had a lot of hallucinations.

As a result of this horrific experience, Jordi Sanchez reflected: “What I saw was that we die every day, and that’s what I understood.” The experience in the hospital made him now realize how “fragile” the human body is . “You’re doing a series and the next day, you can’t even walk,” he concluded.

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