Judge orders child’s parents to give him BCG and hepatitis B vaccinations

The Civil, Commercial, Conciliation and Family Court of Leo Tercero’s second nomination summons the parents of the newborn, application Hepatitis B vaccine and BCG.

According to the resolution signed by Judge Silvana Aznar, within two days the parents must prove their compliance with the above obligations at the Eva Peron Hospital in Santa Rosa Calamuchita.

The mysterious hepatitis affecting children in Europe and the United States has taken its first victim.

If that period expires and the order is not complied with, the judge will authorize the health center authorities to “impose compulsory vaccination of children.”

This “self-satisfying measure” was requested by legal counsel Alfredo Javier Brouwer after the UDER of Calamuchita Reservoir learned that the newborn baby’s mother refused to vaccinate him.

Children's Hospital Vaccination Center

Other provisions

The judge also ordered the UDER of Children, Adolescents and Families (UDER of Embalse de Calamuchita) to intervene and transfer the child to a hospital “with the cooperation and assistance of public forces”, accompanied by his mother, in case of an accident. necessary.

Likewise, the court also called on parents of children to comply with the mandatory vaccination schedule “with legal warning”.

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