Kanli Magbei Son Dakika: Fransa’ya İsrail’den sert tepki! “Sen ne cüretle bize vaaz veriyorsun?”

Israeli TV channel N12 was broadcast by Tarım Bakanı Avi Dichter at the age of 37 in “Gazze’nin Nekbesi” after his passing. Sunucunun sorduğu ‘Gazzelilerin What doğru what geçici bir durum mu?’ Sorosuna Veron Dichter says, “Bunun Nasıl Sonlanacağını bilmiyorum” this.

Sunucunun “But what’s wrong with me?” Sorusunu yenilemesi üzerine Dichter ‘Nekbeyi tekrar hayata geçiriyoruz, Gazze’nin 2023 Nekbesi ile karşı karşıyayız’ ifadesini kullandı.

What do we manage?

Here you go, 14 May 1948 at 16:00 Written by Ilan Edelde. Karrar, son of Engelteri Perklerinen Bolgii Terk Etije Ertesi Geon Yuurlog Gerdi. Palestine, May 15, “The Nakba” was published, and “Flaqat” was published. The population of Israel is 1 million in 2016.

Etnik Temizlik Idealary

If you look at the information that you will find on the previous page, the railways in Gazzelileri will always be the same old plan. It’s safe to say goodbye to Tel Aviv, so that’s what happens next. The Israeli Jewish activist Ofer Neaman, who declared the Gaza invasion “extremist and unwanted,” did nothing wrong.

(Tags for translation)Israel

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