Kidney stones in children and adolescents

Kidney stones, commonly known as nephrolithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are a very common condition in adults that can cause painful renal colic. But this also begins to be the case during childhood and especially adolescence. And, although its formation depends on a variety of factors, changes in diet and other lifestyle habits have a lot to do with the increase in cases. In fact, as we explain in our monograph on childhood obesity, it is not new that childhood obesity contributes to adult diseases in children. Do you know what happens if a child gets kidney stones? We explain the symptoms, causes and how to prevent this problem, which is at high risk of recurring as we age.

What are kidney stones

Kidney stones include the formation of calculation or stone In the kidneys or urethra (ureters and bladder). This condition occurs when minerals and other substances accumulate in the urine or there is insufficient other substances that can prevent these stones from forming.The result is calculated as a minor three to six millimeters Mainly composed of crystals Calcium oxalate (60-70%), calcium phosphate and magnesium ammonium phosphate, and small amounts of uric acid and cystine.

Although kidney stones are a typical disease of adults, their incidence has increased in recent decades. Incidence increases by up to 4% per year Boys, girls and adolescents; Western countries report between 14 and 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Other sources say the number of cases has increased fivefold.

🔴More and more children and teenagers

In addition, the age at which the first case occurs has also decreased, i.e. Between 5-15 years. If it is common for boys to debut in the first ten years, for girls it is later.

In Spain some figures are now becoming known and they are moving in the same direction. Since 2015, we have established a national registry for patients with kidney stones under 18 years of age, driven by the Spanish Association of Pediatric Nephrology (AENP), Son Espases University Hospital (Parma) and the University of the Balearic Islands.Since Javier Lumbreras analyzed the first data from the Childhood Kidney Stone Registry in his doctoral thesis, we know that in our country this disease affects boys at a higher rate than girls (male 4 Example, female (1 example), middle-aged about 6 years. In 1996 it was 8.2 years and in 2004 it was 7.4 years.

Causes of kidney stones

There are several causes of kidney stones in children and teenagers.exactly at Kidney stones involve genetic, environmental or acquired factors:

  • Metabolic abnormalities that favor its formation: hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia, hyperoxaluria, hypouricosuria, cystinuria…
  • Have a family history of kidney stones.
  • Previous urine infection.
  • Abnormalities of the kidneys or urinary tract.
  • Decreased urine output due to not drinking enough water.
  • The diet contains too much salt and saturated fat, high in sugar, and not enough fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and lack of activity.
  • Childhood obesity.
kidney stone foods
image: cool shooter

As noted in the study citing data from 2015 to 2018, In Spain, one third of stones in minors are due to previous urinary tract infection Approximately 25% are due to structural or functional abnormalities of the urinary tract. Two-thirds of cases have family historythe most common urinary metabolic abnormality is hypercalciuria.

🔴Bad eating habits

Although experts aren’t sure why kidney stone rates are increasing among children and teens – climate change—, they believe “this may be related to changes in eating habits. Increased consumption Animal protein, salt, chocolate and cola soft drinkswhile reducing the consumption of water, fruits, vegetables and legumes,” the experts state in the consensus document, which provides recommendations for studies on urinary metabolism of kidney stones in children.

In fact, while kidney stones occur more frequently in the youngest children due to metabolic changes, urinary tract infections, and malformations, “in adolescents, the increase in kidney stone incidence falls primarily among pediatricians, who are older The extent depends on eating habits and lifestyle. The fact is that a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity They also play a crucial role in the development of stone disease in these ages.

Symptoms of kidney stones in minors

What should I do if my child has kidney stones? Symptoms vary depending on the minor and his or her age. There may even be a situation where some people go unnoticed and others have to go to the emergency room and are admitted to the hospital.

➡️Older children and teenagers

These stones in the urinary tract may cause:

  • sudden, severe pain In the lumbar region, radiating to the pelvis and genitals (renal colic).
  • discomfort or pain when urinating.
  • Bleeding in the urine (hematuria).
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Likewise, as experts point out, they can promote urinary tract infections and even block the normal flow of urine, causing long-term kidney damage.


exist baby and children under three years oldthe presence of urinary tract stones may cause other non-specific symptoms: irritability, inconsolable crying (sometimes difficult to distinguish from infantile colic), dark urine, gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, stomach ache…) or fever.

How do I know if my child has kidney stones?

If a child is suspected of having kidney stones, urine test strips can help with the diagnosis, but most importantly, Kidney Ultrasound If necessary, other imaging tests, such as MRI or computed tomography (CT), may also be performed.

Of course, it is important to know whether there are family background and the characteristics of abdominal pain in children.


water kidney stones
image: GS Plaza

Will try relieve pain Children who take anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can develop stones. But in some cases, the pain is so severe and the child is dehydrated due to vomiting that the child must be admitted to hospital to receive intravenous fluids. Hydrate and painkillers to relieve pain.

Additionally, you must help him pass the kidney stones. How to get rid of kidney stones in children? The smallest ones are usually excreted in the urine. To do this, you just need to drink a lot of water. But if the stone is larger, experts may use techniques such as lithotripsy to break up the stone and use ureteroscopy or endoscopic intervention to remove the stone.

How to help prevent kidney stones

Having stone disease in childhood increases the risk of developing kidney stones again or developing kidney problems in adulthood. So whether your child has it or not, it’s important to prevent it. What can be done to avoid it? These are simple yet effective guidelines for reducing morbidity:

  • Patients with urinary tract abnormalities, recurrent infections, or metabolic disorders should follow control and monitoring As ROC Clinic reviews, your specialist will narrow it down to reduce the risk of stone disease.
  • Moisturizing Plenty: Drink plenty of water.
  • Limit salt intake.
  • A diverse diet, Rich in fruits (Contains lots of citrus fruits), vegetables and legumes.
  • Eat less animal protein and saturated fat.
  • Avoid soft drinks and foods with added sugar. “Limit consumption of added sugars May help prevent kidney stone formation,” say the authors of the latest study cutting edge.
  • promotion Engage in regular physical activity Outdoor activities to avoid prolonged screen time and childhood obesity.

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