Kimberly Loaiza tolerates a fan at a concert in Puebla – El Sol de Puebla

On the night of Sunday, June 25, singers and YouTubers, Kimberly Loaiza and Juan de Dios Pantoja presented themselves in the GNP Seguros hall of part of his “Bye Bye” tour, which ends at the end.

Miles of people were in the enclosure with cards, players, gorras, buttons and sweaters, most were younger than edad and they were accompanied to the performance by adults.

The God Event came at 7:15 p.m., with a sentimental appearance in the script and the figure of a bright moon descending little by little as they interpreted the night’s theme. “Moon”.

“We love the people, they’re a great crowd, it’s a dream to be here, they have great energy, they don’t vibrate that much. “Why do you want to suffer with me?” expressed on stage at the JD Pantoja show.

During the event, the names were interpreted as follows. Ya No Somos, Apaga La Luz, kitten, Hagamos las Paces, Como Tu, Borrachos, Mejor Sola, Fuego, I was accompanied by several dancers who were taking part in the attraction and asked for just a minute.

It took the fans and they were surprised

At least twice, as part of communication with your subscribers, YouTubers asked fans about the script so they could meet them and sing and dance around them. and they wondered what his name was so that people would be taller.

Kimberly was in for a surprise Luego de questionarle una menor what they called her, to which Kenya responded th caused laughter from most of the audiencethe influential man said nothing and followed her, asking the other teenagers.

Las risas surgical, yes both Kimberly and JD Pantoja are skinny with singer Kenya O.S.and fans of both groups are encouraged to be harassed in social circles by phrases like these “Kimberly, you are a patron.” or “Kenya Os tu Patrona.”

They also introduced themselves to their children.

At the final stage of the show, the couple gave all their subscribers their children. “Kima” and “Juanito”people received funeral tokens from the audience, and the singers appreciated their love.

Please indicate the show It lasted two hours and ended with the song “Bye Bye”.

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