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The Union of Producing Guilds (UGP) said recent rains across the country have made it possible to resume planting in key areas of the region and avoid heavy losses. They also expect this trend to continue. They noted that the progress of sowing and development of crops remains uneven due to climatic conditions affecting different production areas, but that most areas are in the final stages, as is the case in Itapua province, where the average yield progress is close to 80%. However, persistent rains led to the shutdown.

“Itapua has been rainy and we haven’t been able to finish planting, but most people have sown most of their hectares because some areas have been sowing since the beginning of September,” says Itapua producer Blanca Seki. Blanca Saiki) contact said. with UGP. He also explained that the plot still needs to be completed, so they are hoping the weather will help them continue working. Meanwhile, in Caaguazú, planting progress is about 90%, according to Dionisio Hildebrand, a producer in the region. He insists that the climate is helping crops grow well, although large amounts of water are not recorded there. He emphasized: “Although the rainfall is not very large, it is between 20 and 100 milliliters, which is still helpful.”

Overall, producers say the weather has been a huge challenge, both positively and negatively, given the hail and crops being attacked by snails. This required quick action to avoid losses or replanting, as they had done in some areas, they recalled. Regarding the delays, they mentioned that this will affect the zafriña sowing cycle and that producers will be faced with difficult decisions about what to plant. Finally, they pointed out that they are working hard to achieve good results in both quality and quantity.

Claus Escher, Head of APS

The Association of Soybean Producers (APS) said this weekend that 90% of the area in the east is expected to be planted as rains hit areas where the crop was delayed. The industry maintains forecasts for a sown area of ​​3.5 million hectares and a harvest of 11 million tonnes. “We are all very happy that surface planting can be completed. In all areas where the rains have arrived, everyone has started to resume work and plant seeds quickly because the time has come,” union president Claus Escher told La Nación/Nación Media. At Curuguaty, they have just started planting but they will plant for almost 24 hours to cover the surface.

Escher said that in the state of Alto Paraná and in the regions of Naranjal, Tuparunda, Hernandarias, San Alberto, they have completed the planting work, while in Canindeyo and Guaranteed Ila is also making good progress. Regarding timing, he said that although sowing in September yields better results, this harvest could even be sown as late as November.

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