La Nación / These are natural ingredients that can soothe a sore throat

A sore, swollen, or inflamed throat is often associated with a cold, flu, or other illness. In addition to consulting your doctor, there are herbal remedies that can help combat the symptoms of this nuisance and provide health benefits.

Many times, a condition that attacks the throat is caused by a viral infection, so treatment involves eliminating the symptoms that are causing the discomfort. On the other hand, when it is a bacterial infection, a doctor can prescribe antibiotics to treat it. Calculated on par, Certain natural remedies are also helpful for pain relief, mainly honey infusions.

According to research, taking two to three tablespoons of honey daily can reduce throat dryness or irritation. Moisture is important, so an infusion of honey, ginger, and lemon is very beneficial because of its powerful natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

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Another beneficial tea for sore throat relief is a tea made with rosemary and peppermint, two natural ingredients that also have anti-inflammatory properties. Another home remedy is to gargle with warm salt water to relieve inflammation and help expel mucus.

In addition to any home remedies, it must be considered that it is essential to always consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis. And take the most appropriate treatment according to the specific situation.

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