La Nación / These plants decorate the interior of the house and also absorb heat

Its popularity has reached NASA requirements and is considered a natural purifier because its leaves can absorb toxins from the air.Known as the mother-in-law’s tongue or St. George’s sword, many believe it to be lucky plant

Sansevieria is a plant native to West Africa that stands out for its ability to tolerate hot climates and require little water. Its leaves are pointed and long, up to 240 cm. It is yellow in color and its shape is related to a sword or a lizard’s tail.

A NASA study found that the plant helps clean the air because its leaves absorb toxins like nitrogen oxides, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and trichloroethylene.

Another benefit is that it fights allergies and “sick building syndrome” because it releases moisture into the air and reduces allergens in it. Sick Building Syndrome is a series of moderate or acute symptoms that humans may experience in the absence of recognition of a specific disease.

These symptoms are associated with poor indoor air quality and can manifest as itching, coughing, dizziness, nausea, ear, nose and throat irritation, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, chest tightness and muscle aches. They usually disappear once people change places of residence.

The plant also has medicinal properties, and infusions can help relieve kidney disease and cleanse the liver. To do this, you have to cut off a 10 cm leaf, put it in a liter of water, let it stand for 30 minutes, and then drink a glass every four hours for nine days.

Plus, it reduces airway inflammation, whether eaten or inhaled. For people with diabetes, this plant helps lower blood sugar levels, and in case of wounds it acts as a healing agent.

According to some beliefs, Sansevieria is lucky plant Because it can ward off evil spirits, absorb local evil spirits, and attract wealth and wealth, it is popular to see it in front of a house or business.

Based on all these benefits, this plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue or St. George’s sword, is an ideal plant for where we live, whether we place it indoors or outdoors, because its versatility makes it easy to maintain.

Some care suggestions: place it in a well-lit location, water no more than twice a day, and repot in spring to encourage growth.

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