Leaderless Jihad – Soner Yalcin

end in days mostly The question I’m having is, “What happens now?”

-Israel, GazaWhat will he do in it? Will he leave or stay?

– The war side agitation The violence has stopped To all four corners of the world Does he jump?

Let me introduce you to an expert to answer similar questions:

doctor. Mark SigmanHarvard university Graduate psychiatrist…

At the same time central Intelligence Agency former officer…

profession Political violence/ Terrorism…

For example, He was in Afghanistan between 1987-1989 and established close relations with the Mujahideen…

For example, Investigation into the 2005 London bombings…

For example, He participated in the investigation into the massacre in which Chechen separatists killed 334 people, including 186 children, in Beslan, Russia, in 2004.

currently A senior member of the Terrorism Research Center of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in the United States of America…

He wrote four books:

-Understanding Terrorist Networks (2004)

-Leaderless Jihad: Terrorist Networks in the Twenty-First Century (2008).

-Misunderstanding Terrorism (2016)

-London bombings (2019)

After this information Word, Their research More than 500 extremist Jihadi Based on his biography, Dr. says: I’ll leave it to Sageman…


The following results are important:

-The reasons for extremism in the story Simple linear process It would be misleading to consider that…

Extremism is not individual. Kinship and friendship networks It is a collective process with important elements…

He says; “You can talk about foreign policy, geopolitics, etc. as much as you want. Talk about extremism Psychological aspects do not miss!

What about ideology?

“The meetings I held with terrorists in the name of Islam gave me… They are not ideologues And in fact They don’t understand much about ideology show up. Their logic is simpler: Westerners attack Muslims, and we defend Muslims.

-Ideology is simply a way of defining oneself as a group of soldiers of Islam…to be a member of the organization Before ideology He passes. Very few terrorists Intellectual

-People, actually More than the case He fights for his comrades. A large research department focuses on ideology mistake It is an exaggeration to look at what terrorists understand through ideology. Lazy people It is implemented by (academics, journalists, etc.)…”

If there is no ideology, what is the process of joining jihad?

doctor. According to Sageman, you do not have to be a member of a terrorist organization to resort to violence.

“A person must first use his or her social identity to resolve complaints. Non-violent Legitimate forms of protest Uses. But over time – Frustration with the effectiveness of change Commits an act of aggression. This is the most common path to political violence. In other words, extremism is not an ideology but rather an ideology identification is the priority…”

Isn’t it clear from these results what the Israeli attack will cause in the world? Let me explain:


Israeli attack It is clear from these results what it will lead to in the world:

the West Some Muslims have seen themselves attacked before With moral outrage It doesn’t take a prophet to know that he is ready to join the ranks of the victims of this attack.

doctor. Sigman repeatedly emphasizes the same point:

“The core foundation of extremism; Through identification with a threatened political community To become a volunteer soldier and be prepared to sacrifice oneself in order to defend this community…”

We see: The Israeli occupation of Gaza sparks peaceful civil protests around the world. So what happens next?

Extremists around the worldLone wolvesHe asked: “Will we witness acts of violence (leaderless jihad)?”

The matter will not be limited to the Gaza region alone. Will the world burn? are you aware; The danger is great.

For this reason, the violence in Gaza must stop as quickly as possible. Israel’s withdrawal from the occupied territoriesIt is necessary to ensure a peaceful environment…

the war better About peace worst impossible.

release date: 05:00, 16 November 2023

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