LeBron James expresses support for Israel, condemns Hamas attacks

LeBron James

Solidarity with Israel…

Hamas attack is ‘terrorism’

LeBron James As war rages on in the region, he expressed support for Israel… saying he was heartbroken by what was happening, while condemning Hamas’ attacks as “terrorism.”

The NBA superstar and his longtime business partner released a joint statement, Maverick CarterSpeaking about the incident on his X page on Wednesday night… said: “The devastation in Israel is tragic and unacceptable.”

“Hamas’ murder and violence against innocent people is terrorism,” he said. “The SpringHill Company family extends our deepest condolences to Israel and the Jewish community.”

James added in his statement that he is now praying for peace.

“We must all work to ensure that this tragedy does not spread more hatred, racism and anti-Semitism,” he said.

LeBron isn’t the first celebrity to speak out about the conflict – kim kardashian freed statement Writing of her own on Wednesday… she wrote: “How can anyone not be shocked by these horrific images that we can never ignore?”

“Our hearts should always have compassion for the innocent victims caught in the crosshairs of power, politics, religion, race and national wars,” she said.

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