Legends | Cuajimalpa celebrates Old Man’s Day

Within the framework of the National Day of the Elderly, at the Office of the Mayor of Kwajimalpada Morelos, we organize various recreational, sports, educational and health activities aimed at caring for our grandparents.

In order to take care of their own health, 1,500 grandparents came to the cultural corridor of the dividing line, vaccinated against pneumonia, pneumococcus and new crown vaccine, and received general medical examinations such as hearing assessment and physical therapy, and received health checks. Buy dentures and glasses at low cost to support your finances.

To encourage physical activity, katchpole competitions, yoga classes, Zumba classes and d’Anzola are also organized. As part of the services offered, booths for photography, manicures, pedicures and haircuts have also been set up to pamper the “golden heart” of the Cuajimalpenses.

Among the entertainment enjoyed by those at the Esplanade and the Mayor’s Office Cultural Corridor, we have ceramics, painting on canvas, origami, bingo, lottery, dominoes, weaving, Jenga, jewelry and chess.

For our Mayor Adrian Rubalkava, caring for seniors is a top priority, which is why we organize this celebration every year to let them know how important and loved they are in our community.

It is worth mentioning that Kwajimalpa has UTE, the University for the Elderly, which offers courses in crafts, painting, weaving and cosmetology. Special guests in attendance included: Elderly Group of Morelos Sports Club, “Nadar es vida” of El Huizachito Community, Leones Plateado (Cuajimalpa), Cooperativa Palo Alto, “Sabios de corazón” (Memetla), “Older Group “” (Chimalpa), “Nuevo Amanecer” (San Mateo) and “Young Heart” (San Mateo) and grandparents from all over the divide.

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