Leonardo DiCaprio pictures with model Meghan Roche in Ibiza

drum roll summer Leonardo Dicaprio has officially begun. Hollywood’s Golden Bachelor After Attending the Cannes Film Festival assassins of the flower moon by Martin Scorsese (who according to insiders could give him a second Oscar in his career ad), has decided to open his 2023 holidays on the yacht that has traditionally taken him under the Mediterranean sun. After Costa Smeralda, the 48-year-old actor was spotted in good company in Ibiza, ça va sans dire,

Sunday June 4, Leo DiCaprio was photographed on a chartered yacht for his vacation in Europe with his crew led by two best friends, Lucas Haas and Tobey Maguire, a permanent fixture in their raid around the world. There was presence. the only woman in the brigade model meghan roche, Born 22 years ago in Pennsylvania, with big blue eyes and a slim body, at the age of 15 she started working in the fashion system, walking the runway for the biggest brands and lending her face to campaigns for the most famous reached for Stars and Stripes brands like Marc Jacobs, Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger. Is there some tender between the two?

Leo & Co.’s first stop of Summer 2023 was the Costa Smeralda where “The King of Sardinia” was quoted. tmz extension The model and her friends attended Madison Hedrick’s wedding to Joseph Nahmad, the son of the world’s greatest art tycoon, at Hotel Cala di Volpe. The crew then head to the capital of summer fun to party all night long.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Meghan Roche Has been spotted in Ibiza on more than one occasion, which has made the pink press keen to see hollywood wolf “Married” exactly a year ago after the end of a long relationship with Camila Morrone. 12 Months Single Jahan Ka Sitara Titanic Has “favoured” many names, from Victoria Lamas to Eden Polanyi. Alleged flirtation with beautiful girls, very young (under 25) and all professional models. Among the most insistent and suggestive gossip are his closeness to Gigi Hadid (the two will be “on friendly terms” today and when “their commitments allow it”) and Irina Shayk, with whom he was photographed at the birthday party of his own by Naomi Campbell. Cannes after the famous Coachella photos.

Pictures of DiCaprio with Roche The actor’s proverbial preference for models who haven’t reached the age of 25 has been greeted by social media with the usual memes and beset with comments from people who are starting to believe that the eternal Peter Pan might never get his head. Will keep The same was said about George Clooney, however, he got married at 54…

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