Let’s take care of our pets in winter

Winter is in full swing, and we’ve all felt its brutality in some way, including our pets, of course.

After the rain, when humans feel colder than ever, typical colds can set in as temperatures change, and for our furry friends, there are a number of ailments associated with this time of year to consider.

For cats, poorly ventilated enclosed spaces (common in winter) are the perfect environment for the spread of feline viral rhinotracheitis. Symptoms include conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers (open sores in the eyes), and runny nose.

For dogs, one of the easiest ways to tell if they have a cold is by looking at their nose. This must never be dry or cracked, because a dog’s nose is cold because the moisture in the air evaporates, so if it doesn’t evaporate, the nose will get hot.

As always, the focus should be on prevention, and if any symptoms or concerns arise, the best thing to do is take our pets to the vet.

It would be even better if we did this more often, making it easier to troubleshoot any issues they might have so they can stay with us through this winter and many more.

  • The content expressed in this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author and does not necessarily reflect editorial line or position counter.

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