Lizzo sues her dancers for harassment

Sexual harassment and a hostile work environment: allegations against a pop star Lizzo three dancers from her corps de ballet. Complaint filed with Los Angeles County Superior Court Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noel Rodriguezas part of the film crew of the 35-year-old singer in the period 2021-2023.

The plaintiffs accused the pop star, real name Melissa Vivian Jeffersonthat you violated the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) by failing to provide adequate protection from harassment, assault, and discrimination. In particular, during a show in a nightclub in Amsterdam. Lizzo he would have lobbied to involve dancers in inappropriate relationships with some performers who would agree, fearing repercussions on their careers. Added to this are accusations of persecution on religious, racial grounds, and even “shame on the body.” Always the icon of the “positive body”, Lizzo in fact she is accused along with her choreographer Tanisha Scott comment Davis on her post-show fitness, comments that “Ms. Davis was under the impression that she had to justify her weight gain and reveal personal details of her life in order to keep her job.”

“The way Lizzo and her management are treating her team seems to go against everything the pop star presents in public,” the post reads. Ron Zambrano, the dancers’ advocate, “in private, he humiliates his performers in ways that are not only illegal, but downright demoralizing.” There are no comments yet from the person directly concerned and from their representatives, but the public is already taking steps to publicly seek clarification.

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