Make 3 Dietary Changes and You’ll Have Less Cellulite, Better Hair, and Brighter Skin

What happens when the dermatology and nutrition professional combines her two passions and spreads them through social networks? Well, here’s the result: a successful Instagram profile, @farmanutriconsejo’s loyal community of over 35,000 followers, and a book”Your skin health depends on what you eat”which we had the opportunity to read contained lots and lots of very useful, interesting information, and most importantly (our favorite word): efficient.

That’s why we wanted to share some of his keys with you, although to understand all of them you’d have to buy his book, we guarantee it’ll be something you take to the beach, read on the subway, keep on your nightstand and you’ll go to for advice Not once, not twice or three times…

Zenith Your Skin Health Depends on What You Eat: Discover the Power of Nourishment to Feel Young From the Inside Out (Health & Wellness)

The Health of Your Skin Depends on the Food You Eat: Discover the Power of Nourishment to Feel Young From the Inside Out (Health & Wellness)

Zenith Your Skin Health Depends on What You Eat: Discover the Power of Nourishment to Feel Young From the Inside Out (Health & Wellness)

Pharmacist and nutritionist Paula Martín Clares received the offer to write the book when the publisher contacted her and told her: “You are the only one in Spain who talks about the relationship between nutrition and cellulite on social networks”, Surprised her. ’; the author told us we learned more about her in a Zoom meeting. After exchanging emails, things went well, and his first book was out a few months later.

The book is filled with interesting topics that the author chose based on inquiries she received on her Instagram profile. “The topic people ask me the most is hair loss,” he says, “and people are becoming more aware of the impact of diet on hair loss.

“I am grateful to my followers because I created this book in response to their concerns”

They leave me messages every day with questions.” Or “They also ask me a lot of questions about acne, ‘Paola, when I get acne, I don’t know what medicine to take,’” she told us. And answers in depth – including weekly menus – for all these queries, now your followers can read your pages too.

woman with acne

Mix and Match Studio / 500px//Getty Images

What is the relationship between what and how we eat and skin health?

Very much our mothers, our grandmothers already knew this, but for several years this relationship was completely forgotten. In the past, there were no nutraceuticals, no cosmetics, all relying on food, or even local application. When I was little I didn’t eat well and I told my mom that I wanted to have nice hair and she told me “well, eat Paula because if you don’t you won’t have it”. Your body is smart. If you eat 10% healthier, it will go to vital organs, not your hair. Using the best anti-hair loss shampoo or the best nourishing cosmetics won’t do you any good if you don’t have a healthy diet. Everything complements each other.

I’ve experienced that the week I stop eating five meals a day, fruit, water, if I stop eating three nuts a day, I notice it, I notice it immediately. In some cases, it looks more like hair loss, but it has absolutely everything to do with it.

woman eating fruit

Getty Images

3 Diet Changes That Will Benefit Your Skin, Hair, and Overall Health

  1. drinking water: Few people abide by the 2.5 liters of water rule per day. Remember to drink water and supplement with soup, gazpacho, or fruit with a high water content. Because good hydration is reflected on our skin. Wrinkles are not caused by age. This is dehydration. And these wrinkles are reversible. It’s also evident in hair, cellulite… hydration is one of the most important changes.
  2. Omega: It’s one of your great allies where you can see results before. Salmon, mackerel, sardines are high in omegas, and people often see omega intake on the skin and nails – even in the past. If I find that a patient doesn’t eat much fish, I recommend omega supplements or the “trick” my mother taught me: Three walnuts at noon or as a snack.

Omega 3 Capsules

Omega 3 Capsules

3. Antioxidants. I always say that there are two absolutely indispensable cosmetics: antioxidants and sunscreen. But if we take this antioxidant on a daily basis, it will help us glow and also fight everything around us, not only on the immune level but also against free radicals. Like boosting antioxidants, not just orange, which pissed me off. For example, strawberries contain more vitamin D than oranges. Or kiwi.

Patricia Rivera Avatar

Patricia Rivera is the digital editor for Women’s Health. Beauty, fitness, nutrition, wellness and maternity experts. She knows which gym every self-respecting celebrity goes to, or which programs and/or personal trainers they go to. There is no physical activity that she has not tried or heard of, and if there is one she is more than willing to find out: from classics such as yoga, boxing, swimming or Pilates, to the most innovative ones such as Síclo, Barre or KO sports.

Life during pregnancy gave her the opportunity to learn how to take care of herself throughout and after pregnancy. So you won’t miss an opportunity to talk to you about the importance of taking care of your pelvic floor or explain what constitutes depression.

Her health goals are: healthy eating (without giving up on good eating), healthy skin (facial gymnastics is her latest obsession) and shiny hair (although she brushes the same hair for over 4 hours a day) years -. To make it happen, she’s willing to discover all the beauty news and tell you what’s working and what’s not.

He promises that one day he’ll put his shoes on and go out and put on more miles. Although currently he prefers strength training.

He studied journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid and has been working in the digital world since he started working more than ten years ago. She was associated with Fashion Headlines from the beginning until she joined the Hearst Group’s wellness division four years ago, working on a women’s health program.

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