Male body shaming: it exists, but few people talk about it

Men, like women, are sometimes criticized for having excess belly fat. This is supported by recent research which shows that the male physical standards proposed online are unattainable.

questionequality problem: terms such as body shaming AND fatphobia they affect not only the female body. Man also suffers and has suffered from the dictates of certain canons.. In 1994, a journalist Mark Simpson belongingIndependent coined the term Metrosexual to indicate to a man that by the standards of society of the time, he wanted to be heterosexual, fit, well-groomed, muscular, and also with good purchasing power. Several decades later, in 2015, something seemed to be changing: the model Zach Miko he was the first to open the “plus size” division of a famous foreign fashion agency. But the massive emergence of social media seems to have once again confirmed stereotypical patterns.

Male body shaming: between reality and fiction

A few months later, Project Bulimia, An analysis and awareness platform for eating disorders, analyzed using artificial intelligence, in particular through image generators. Dall-E 2, Stable diffusion AND Midway – which male bodies will be the most popular on social networks. result? Anything but realistic

“Male physiques created by AI they all look like photoshopped versions of bodybuilders” they comment from the platform. With exaggerated muscles and protruding jaws. Just like some of them influencers most subscribers online

Actor Chris Pratt has always treated success and his appearance with irony (photo: Instagram/@prattprattpratt)

However, not everyone knows that behind such a physique there is often not only a lot of training, but also abundant use of medicine and cosmetic surgery. For example, using fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite, you can change the contours of your face. Bye injections of macromolecular hyaluronic acid replaced abdominal implants and breasts (at least for men!)

Male body shaming: bacon yes or no?

Thus, the Bulimia Project, through its research, confirmed that men, like women, today strive for an ideal of perfection, which is in some sense unattainable. Added to this is the fact that no official data Body shaming male.

Again, given social media and the campaigns of numerous fashion brands, it seems that some bacon is not accepted yet. Have you ever seen the main character in a perfume ad with soft abs?

However, according to researchers fromYale university, A little belly fat will reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Not only: As we age, it is normal for us to lose muscle mass in favor of fat mass.thus testosterone levels also decrease, the man may appear less “effective” but he develops a paternal instinct that he may not have had before.

Example of stars

Just like women, men should learn to ignore unconstructive comments about their physique. How the web star did it Alessandro Carella who to wave the man’s flag high lushhe even founded the Libra network

Among the celebrities who have suffered from body shaming, we also remember the singer. Sam Smithtoday an icon of inclusivity and actor David Harbor who was told during his audition that he was too fat. Today he is the star of one of Netflix’s most popular series: Stranger Things.

Even to sex symbol How Jason Momoa the negative comments came as soon as he gained a few kilos. “Daddy bod” or “daddy bod,” someone wrote on social media, referring to his physical shape. If only all fathers were like this…


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