Marcuzzi untied, Hugh Jackman says goodbye to his wife, Rosie Chin is embarrassed by her girlfriend

The great heat continues, and with it the hottest gossip. From Alessia Marcuzzi’s endless summer to Chinese chef Rosie Chin’s racy remarks about Big Brother. And then divorces, divorces, divorces!

Alessia Marcuzzi got loose in Capri

Alessia Marcuzzi’s summer vacation continues. Leading Very fast he really doesn’t want to give up the sea and the sun, so he chose Capri enjoy the last days of rest before returning to the rehearsal room for the new season of his program on Rai2. And on the Blue Island his presence did not go unnoticed. Why? First, she danced in a seaside restaurant under the watchful eye of the cell phone cameras of those present, then went on a boat trip, which the dancer did not fail to capture on Instagram, complete with sexual shooting and moving. To the delight of the fans.

Pink chin and Chinese anatomy

Moments of embarrassment in Big Brother for the remarks of Italian-Chinese chef Rosie Chin. In a light-hearted moment with the other competitors, Rosie made some racy remarks that went viral online and forced the director to switch off to avoid “diplomatic incidents.” Speaking of clichés, the chef admitted: “Have you ever seen a European woman with a Chinese man? No. But on the contrary, yes, Chinese women who Men Europeans.” Movement? “Cactus question,” Rosie joked to avoid calls. “I haven’t seen a cactus encyclopedia, but from the few cacti I’ve seen, I can tell you that it has been scientifically proven that we are Chinese… we are not…”– Rosie said to everyone’s confusion, clarifying: “It’s a matter of biology, that is… anatomy. How true is it that black children…But the director stopped in time. And thank God.

DiCaprio, did Vittoria leave her husband for him?

Looks like this Leonardo DiCaprio and top model from Brescia Vittoria Ceretti completely agree with this. They have been dating since May, and in August the actor and model were even caught kissing like two children in a club in Ibiza. Friends say he is “very much in love” with the beautiful Vittoria, but on the other hand, she even seems to have left her husband, Italian-American DJ Matteo Milleri, only to rush into Leo’s arms. The indiscretion of an unexpected divorce came from a weekly magazine WHO and you have to believe it. Who will say no to the Titanic star?

Hugh Jackman divorces wife Deborah-Lee Furness

Wolverine is lonely again. After twenty-seven years of marriage and two children, Hugh Jackman and his wife Deborah-Lee Furness have divorced. The official statement came via People: “We have been fortunate to spend almost three decades together as husband and wife in wedding wonderful and loving. Our path is now changing and we have decided to separate to continue our individual growth.“And yet, it was only in April that the American star made a loving tribute to his wife on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. What has changed in a few months? Now there are those who think that another person is involved. woman. Or will the age difference be taken into account? May be.

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