Margot Robbie talks about her nude scenes

The Big Short, Margot Robbie
Margot Robbie in The Big Short

Margot Robbie during his ten-year career he has taken part in many nude scenes, starting from those of The Wolf of Wall Street to get to the latest views in Babylonnew movie by Damien Chazelle. The Australian actress has always said she was at ease in this type of work. In fact, speaking to Vanity Fair last November, she said she didn’t feel the least bit embarrassed.

I don’t have much shame left – says Margot Robbit. I didn’t feel embarrassed. It wasn’t me doing something, but Nellie (the character played in Babylin ed) I would feel embarrassed if I were doing those things to her, but on the set I’m completely her, I’m not ashamed of anything

In another interview, guest of the radio hosts Fitzy & Wippa together with the co-star Diego Calvatalked about the secrets of sex scenes and how eventually the nudity was so blatant that it became habitual.

We got used to being surrounded by naked people everywhere we looked,” Calva said

The cast desensitized very quickly,” Robbie added.

The hosts then asked about issues with nudity while filming a costume drama set in the 1920s, as was the case with Babylon .

When it comes to period films, I’ve heard that many times it’s quite difficult to find women with real breasts and pubic hair,” Wippa said.

Addressing this issue, Margot Robbie offered some insight emphasizing that industry can rely on “merkins“.

It’s like a wig but for the genitals – said the Australian actress.

The actress revealed that she became familiar with the use of merkins after her work at Wolf of Wall Street where she came face to face with “an entire room of merkins”.

There was a whole room full of merkins – he recalled. I guess people just came in and chose… I won’t go into details, but it was a fascinating little-known fact about the film industry.

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