Marriage proposal on the wreckage of the Titanic. Now you can do it

“From summer 2023 it will be possible to propose on the famous Titanic wreck to the tune of “My Heart Will Go On” by Céline Dion”. So says the press release of the agency ApoteoSurprise, specializing in the organization of sui generis marriage proposals, so to speak…

The creator of the marriage proposal on the wreckage of the Titanic

Apoteosurprise is an agency established in 2006 by nicholas garrow, a French aeronautical engineer who was probably conscious of the spectacular landscapes he saw during his career – short narrow inscription: in his bio he states that he spent four years of his adolescence in Venice, remaining deeply influenced by Italian romanticism – Decided to specialize in marriage proposals. There is something for all tastes, this can be accomplished with a magical slipper on Cinderella’s carriage, on a yacht where a thousand red roses are made to rain from the sky, via a message delivered home by a trained pigeon From or inevitable, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in the company, if you really want to exaggerate, of an acrobatic team that draws a giant heart in the sky with smoke. It sounds crazy but it seems that more than 2,000 lovers took advantage of the service. Even heads of state so to speak. Considering that the prices are from 290 euros (with this figure you can afford a courier who delivers a letter to your beloved, you can find all the details on the site, they are worth reading!) 125 million euros to orbit the moon, This is a real business.

marriage proposal on titanic

Now, the agency ApoteoSurprise is offering a marriage proposal on the Titanic. The site reads: “In the seaside town of St. John’s you will meet your expedition team and board the ship that will take you to the site of the sinking of the Titanic the next day.” Once you reach the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, you board a submarine and after a two-hour descent, you reach the wreck of the Titanic at a depth of 3800 metres. Once here, the experience includes exploring the wreckage passing through the officers’ cabins, the captain’s bridge, the Grand Staircase Hall and perhaps the first-class Ritz restaurant, where the last supper is held under the banner of Parmesan cheese on plates and champagne. was served. in glasses. Then, the apotheosis: “Suddenly, to the sound of My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion, you’ll see the bow of the Titanic emerge with its dock, made famous by the iconic scene between Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. That exact moment.” In a moment you will take out the box with the ring from your pocket and you will ask your lover to marry you (always for women, the agency assumes that only men should use the service)”. And amid thunderous applause from all the crew members. end of scene Cost? It starts from 1 million Euros. Is this perhaps the experiential tourism we need?

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