Masks and distancing in waiting rooms in continuing care to stop the flu

People rescue masks from drawers Six months after the health crisis situation caused by covid-19 was declared over, they have once again become a common image in health and social care centers such as nursing homes. For professionals in these fields, its use is mandatory, while for professionals in other fields, its use is “strongly recommended.” The restoration of this protective measure in an attempt to reduce the impact of influenza epidemics and other respiratory infections has forced a series of recommendations to shift to primary care. This Saturday, the Continuing Care Point will begin reorganizing and starting Monday, January 8, an additional health center will be added.

At noon this Friday, the Ministry of Health sent a Instructions It recommends “urgent and temporary” measures, including utilizing dual circuits of care, separating patients with respiratory illnesses from entry doors, providing specific rooms for these patients or ensuring the safety of distant seating. Once the recommendations are understood, center coordinators try to adapt them, taking into account the physical and human resources they have.

Some claim to be aware of possible changes interregional committee on national health systemsAt a meeting on Monday, the health authorities planned to “unify standards” and proposed to all regions the temporary mandatory use of masks in health and social care centers while the peak of the epidemic lasts. With flu infections surging and respiratory viruses spreading uncontrollably, primary care and hospitals are under severe pressure and emergencies are overwhelmed.

In this sense, Patricia Palazón, manager of the second zone of Zaragoza, admitted yesterday that most cases are mild and “must be treated at home”, but “we cannot forget the vulnerable ”, the disease there can be more serious.he recognized ‘Huge medical pressure’ Hospital emergency services and primary care continuing care points. He said, “As managers, we have anticipated the peak incidence and have begun to implement contingency plans, reorganize and strengthen resources,” but he said those resources are “limited.” Miguel Servet Hospital has developed strategies in response to the high incidence of respiratory infections, increasing the number of admission beds and proposing different measures in the emergency department.

In this sense, Palazon calls on people to Use health resources “responsibly” “Do not overload these services” and maintain “measures that have worked during the pandemic, such as hand washing, social distancing, ventilation of closed spaces and the use of masks.”

Door protection

This Saturday, at the Bombarda Continuing Care Point in Zone III Zaragoza, where the clinic serves as a reference hospital, a security guard controls the access of patients, providing Provide masks for those who arrive at the center without one (and the possibility of using hydroalcoholic gel) and tell them where they have to go.

María José Peña and Silvia Castán, Director of Nursing and Deputy Medical Director of Zaragoza Region 3, explained respectively that each center will apply the directive “in accordance with its possibilities” because Different structural characteristics Recommendations regarding distance, dual circuits or specific breathing chambers “will be addressed in the best possible way.”

Sara Causapé, a continuing care physician in Bombarda, admitted that doctors have not yet taken off their masks since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. “People have to take into consideration that, most importantly, FFP2, as a protection for yourself and others”, in addition to advising “to maintain a safe distance in waiting rooms”. He clarified that this is not to cause panic, but “that people know how to act” and to let him know that “the virus cannot be used Antibiotic treatment. “

High incidence of respiratory tract infections

Influenza epidemics and other respiratory infections, such as COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus, increase care needs.So large that it is estimated that even 8 out of 10 queries Illnesses in continuing care may already be related to respiratory disease. At medical centers, however, this ratio is lower, and according to doctors, about two-thirds of patients have made appointments in advance through the Salud Informa app, in many cases up to two weeks in advance.

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