MasterChef celebrity award winner Laura Londoño teaches us how to chop vegetables

Laura Londoño is the brand new winner celebrity chef 8.After a controversial final with telenovela actress Álvaro Muñoz Escaci woman fragrant coffee He won the award for his exquisite menu from his native Colombia, which includes: eternal springrecipes made with flowers and petals; The adventure of crayfish in the rivera blend of Latin and Spanish flavors, and 100% coffee desserts: Inner magic.

The Colombian actress dedicated her body and soul to culinary competitions, in fact, she moved to Spain with her entire family: filmmaker Santiago Mora Bahamon and her two daughters: Ale Guerra and Michaela.

Laura Londoño succeeded as a chef Perfected through practice and the wise advice of the jury (Jordi Cruz, Pep Rodríguez and Samantha Vallejo-Nágera).

Additionally, Laura Londoño formed a great team with all the contestants of the 8th edition. MasterChef Celebrities: Álvaro Muñoz Escaci, Tania Liacela, Jesuline de Ubrik, Toni Moreno, Jorge Sanz, Blanca Romero, Eduardo Casanova, Sandra Gago, Miguel Diosdado, Palito Dominkin, Daniel Illeskas, Genova Casa Nova as well as Los Molancos, Jorge and Cesar Cadabal.

Actress Laura Londoño wins MasterChef Celebrity 8 cooking competitioninterest

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Laura Londoño’s daughters are her biggest fans, you just have to look at how Allegra comforts her mother and discover the best secret to not crying while chopping onions: A big hug!The heroine is woman fragrant coffee She practiced recipes assiduously at home and did not hesitate to teach her daughter the cuts most commonly used to prepare vegetables in the kitchens of great men. chef.

Two of the most common and simplest chopping techniques the Colombian actress has learned are free fall motionwhen the knife falls on the workpiece in a completely horizontal position, hand movements, if you use a knife to cut from back to front. However, the real secret to achieving this great skill in the kitchen is practicing your hand movements multiple times. If you want to become a pro, you’ll love learning all the tips for chopping vegetables step-by-step to get the best results for your recipes.

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Laura Londoño’s recipes on MasterChef Celebrity

This is the trophy the Colombian actress presented to the TVE 1 competition jury, which also included Jordi Cruz, Samantha Vallejo-Nágera and Pepe Ro Best ratings for Pepe Rodríguez.If you want to prepare flower salad recipe eternal springfollow this step by step, although their preparation work is very topbut if you’re smart enough, you can make it happen.

raw material:

  • 25 grams pine pollen
  • 45 g nectar
  • Pine pollen soup: 100 grams of raw pine nuts, 250 grams of water, 30 grams of pine pollen base (previous step), 4 grams of salt, 0.8 grams of xanthan gum
  • For pine vinegar gel: 200 g dry pine vinegar and 10 g ultratex
  • Seasoned vegetable salad: 25g mango, 25g green papaya, 25g fennel, 10g honey, 8g Chardonnay vinegar, 10g extra virgin olive oil, 3g chili oil, salt
  • Violet water: 200 grams of mineral water, 10 drops of violet essence, 10 grams of sugar, 0.5 grams of xanthan gum
  • Dried Apricots with Cardamom: 100 g dried apricots, ground cardamom
  • Pickled flowers: 50 grams of mixed flowers, 3 grams of salt, 50 grams of mineral water, 30 grams of Chardonnay vinegar, 25 grams of sugar, 1 drop of orange blossom water.
  • Green asparagus slices: 4 green asparagus stalks
  • Avocado chunks: 1 avocado, extra virgin olive oil
  • Calendula tempura: 200g mineral water, 15g pasteurized egg yolk, 100g flour and salt
  • Fried marigolds: marigold flowers, tempura, sunflower oil for frying
  • pollen grains
  • floral combination

For the pine pollen base: Mix pollen and honey and set aside. Pine pollen soup: Mix the ingredients together, strain and set aside. For pine vinegar gel: Combine ingredients in a bowl with a whisk and set aside. For the Dressing Green Salad: Cut the mango, papaya and fennel into thin slices. Mix with remaining ingredients and set aside. For Violet Water: Mix everything except xanthan gum. Subsequently, the mixture is mixed with xanthan gum. Remove air and store in bottle. For the cardamom apricot: Cut the dried apricots into 0.5 cm cubes and season with grated cardamom.

For the pickled flowers: In a bowl, combine all ingredients except flowers and mix. After that, add the flowers and leave them as they are. For sliced ​​green asparagus: Thinly slice green asparagus tips. Booking. For the avocado chunks: Cut the peeled avocado into cubes. Store in a container covered with extra virgin olive oil. Marigold Tempura: Mix everything, strain and set aside. For the fried marigolds: Use tweezers to remove any green hairs stuck to the petals. Leave the flower stems alone. Pass through tempura and drain. It is very important that the flowers are as clean as possible. Fry at 170°C for 2 minutes, one on each side. Remove the oil and use a 0.5 cm cutter to remove the center part without damaging the flower.

Used for electroplating. Arrange on the plate in the following order: pollen soup, salad, diced avocado, diced dried apricots, pine vinegar gel, asparagus slices, pickled flowers, fresh flowers, fried marigolds, pollen and extra virgin olive oil

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Belinda Guerrero is a digital editor at MicasaRevista, specializing in decoration, architecture and interior design, but she also writes about gardening, health or pets. She is interested in circular economy and ecology, but also in interior design trends and looking for tips to save time or energy so that everyone can live better in a more sustainable environment. Also mentioned on the MiCasa website star system When he infiltrated the famous Spanish and celebrity Have more followers on social networks.

Belinda has extensive experience as a journalist and is also a graphic designer, so she can say that she has worked in almost all areas of media, from news agencies to newspapers and magazines, and she was fortunate to be involved in the launch of the great splendor of Spain’s most important communication group project.

She has also worked in fashion production, events organization and Hearst Creative Boutique, the division responsible for product creation. brand content and coordinates the team to design business and loyalty magazines for El Corte Inglés, Repsol or Renfe.

He studied journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid, committed himself to the most beautiful profession in the world, and was lucky enough to continue this wonderful career that satisfied his endless curiosity about any subject.

He writes articles about decoration, cinema, beauty, cars, consumption, health, economy, culture, fashion, gastronomy or the environment; in fact, about any field, including one of his greatest passions: travel.As editor of DeViajes magazine, she had the privilege of traveling the world for ten years and earning Written Journalism Award Flanders Tourist Office.

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