Measles in Peru: Unvaccinated children may develop pneumonia, encephalitis and even die

The consequences of not vaccinating minors against measles can result in children suffering serious health consequences. (Photo: Composition – Infobae/Renato Silva)

The number of registered measles cases may increase, leading to more measures to stop the spread of the disease.Among them, those who are willing to start a business In-person vaccination campaign and make them Boys and girls under five years old Protected free of charge.

According to the recorded data ministry of healthof which there are more thane 8,000 facilities capable of providing such medical services. The vaccine is administered by health personnel and must be given to young patients in two doses: the first dose must be given after vaccination. 12 months age, while the second one will apply to 18 months.

The disease is more severe if the patient has the following symptoms: Malnutrition or some chronicbecause the measles virus can significantly reduce the body’s immune system’s ability to fight infection and promote the development of secondary diseases, further damaging the child’s condition.

According to experts from the agency Peruvian Pediatric SocietyDr. Herminio Hernández Díaz, Vaccination is the only way to protect minors so far There is no specific treatment for this disease.

Measles appears in Peru. Minsa confirmed two cases and 34 more are under investigation.

According to Hernández Díaz, measles infection can be divided into three distinct phases: Prodromal phase, which is characterized by flu symptoms; the outbreak phase, with the characteristic erythema on the skin and high fever, typical indicators of the disease; and the recovery phase. However, he warned that both active stages of the disease can be accompanied by serious complications.

For children who have not been vaccinated, either due to their parents’ decision or because they are not yet age enough to be vaccinated, measles it can generate pneumonia and encephalitis This can lead to death as well as other complications such as diarrhea, otitis media, sinusitis, etc.

The care available in these situations is Avoid contact with people who have symptoms Others who have the disease or may have been exposed to someone with the virus. In this way, the risk of contagion is minimized.

this pan american health organization (OPS) indicates that the disease has spread Mainly by air Air droplets that pass through a person’s nose, mouth or throat virus carrier. Additionally, it is said to remain active in the air and on surfaces for at least two hours.

Adults can also get measles, but it is more common in children. These cases can be prevented through timely vaccination. (Photo: Getty Images/kadirkaplan)

According to the agency, the only form of prevention is Minsait is passed Get vaccinated promptly Avoid childhood conditions early and maintain good hygiene habitsespecially washing your hands, and isolating people with symptoms.

this rash Generalized symptoms are the most common symptom seen in people infected with this disease, although it is not the only symptom. It also comes with:

  • high fever
  • Rhinorrhea (runny nose)
  • cough
  • watery eyes and red eyes
  • There are small white spots on the inside of the cheeks

According to him Ministry of Health, To date, only two confirmed cases of measles have been recorded, both of whom live in the city of Lima and are currently under surveillance.

The cases belong to a girl 10 months old and a 21 year old young man. However, it was the latter that caused the most concern because it was imported and because he was traveling in Europe and developed symptoms after arriving in our country.

despite control Minsaa report trading said the ministry’s vaccination team would detect at least other Three cases in Surko.

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