Medical malpractice: They blame doctors for letting 8-year-old daughter die

maya abalo difficulty breathing, then August 19, Her parents took her to a jail San Jose de Campana Municipal Hospital where he attends them jesus del canto She was given a puff of cigarettes and kept under observation for over three hours.

Karen remembers No one told them anything or gave them a diagnosis. That was seven hours, the girl’s mother reported. After arriving at the hospital, professionals removed oxygen for Maya, and the doctor released her. But when they got home, the girl was still having trouble breathing.They returned to the institution and made a plaque there showing Maya She had pneumonia, so they hospitalized her, and Del Canto didn’t show up, even though the girl was getting more and more difficult to breathe.

In desperation, Karen saw Maya turning yellow and showing severe stomach the doctor Kidney failure requiring dialysis detected

Seeing that the hospital did not give the necessary answers, the girl’s mother decided to contact her trusted doctor, He requested that his daughter be transferred to Posadas Hospital. But Del Canto refused, claiming the little girl was in poor health and had not been provided with a city-mandated ambulance.. That’s when the doctor sent Karen in for treatment to see how she was doing. 4 nurses tried to save the little girl.

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In one of the intervals, Maia’s dad looking for professionals, he’s drinking: ‘I’ve had a lot of hints that we can’t transfer,’ he recovers.

When doctors decided to intubate Maya, the girl’s lungs failed and she died.. A police officer broke the news to parents.

As for the hospital authorities, they have not spoken to them or the media, Karen assured They falsified Maya’s medical records. An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was edema and renal failure.

In this case, The Second Prosecutor, in charge of the Prosecutor Martin GarcĂ­a, But the family has yet to receive any reports. Just advise them to stop seeking a lawyer.

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