Megan Fox: in a book of poems she pours out all her pain

He debuted as a supporting actress in series such as two men and a half AND Ocean Avenuebut that was only in 2007 What Megan Denise Fox made a quantum leap thanks to Michael Bay who hired her transformersemphasizing its many qualities. Since then, Fox has participated in a wide variety of productions such as a live performance Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Jennifer’s bodywhich is still his finest work.

Recently the actress decided to tell her story in a very personal way through poetrywith forthcoming book”Pretty boys are venomous“, literally “Beautiful boys are poisonous”. As defined by the same publisher, this collection of dark and heartbreaking poems. Through over 80 songs Fox chronicles the many ways we shape ourselves to fit the ones we love, even if it means to lose yourself in progress.

In a statement, Fox explained motives the basis of his manuscript, which he describes as a kind of cure for the ill effects of his personal relationships with men.

“These verses were written in an attempt to eradicate the disease that has taken root in me because of my silence. All my life I kept a man’s secrets, my body hurts from what I keep the weight of their sins. My freedom lives on these pages and I hope my words can inspire others. restore your happiness and personality using your voice to illuminate what was buried but not forgotten in the darkness.”

Megan Fox’s book of poetry will also be published as self-reading audiobook.

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