Minister Polat: Imposing a fine of 710 million liras for high prices and monopoly

Created date: November 24, 2023 at 12:58

Trade Minister Omer Polat said that serious penalties had been imposed for exorbitant price increases and that inspections were continuing: “As a result of the inspections, we saw that administrative fines amounting to 710 million liras were imposed in 10 months. More than hundreds of thousands of businesses have been inspected.” Companies. We have boundless respect for those who do their jobs right. We stand by them. But sometimes there are bad apples.” “And when there are eggs, we have to sort them out of the clean basket,” he said.

Trade Minister Omer Polat attended a meeting in Kocaeli. Minister Polat, who began his speech with Gaza, said: “We hope that the ceasefire decision in Gaza, which began today, will be permanent. As the government of the Republic of Turkey, the ceasefire and hostage-taking were implemented with very great effort.” “A serious struggle led by our president. The Israeli culture of war against innocent civilians and settlements for 48 days.” “We condemn him in the strongest terms for the massacre he committed, which goes beyond a mere crime against humanity. We strive to bring those to justice,” he said. “We hope that those responsible will be tried before the International Criminal Court as quickly as possible.” We wish patience to our innocent brothers out there. We ask God for mercy for those who were martyred.”

“Symbol of Gocaeli Industry”

Minister Polat said, Kocaeli is an industrial city, “Kocaeli is the symbol of industry. If half of our 81 provinces in Turkey were as developed in terms of production and manufacturing as Kocaeli, our national income today would easily decline.” Per capita exceeds $20 million . I hope we can achieve that as well.” “Turkey has achieved great success in this sense in 20 years. Kocaeli employs more than 55 thousand people and is a city with strategic production facilities. It is a city and he added: “It leaves its mark on the national income and Turkish industry through its production in the automotive, chemical, electrical, electronics, machinery and metal industries.”

“The Turkish economy shows the success of the last 21 years in 2023”

Minister Omar Polat continued his speech as follows:

“2023 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of our Republic. It has not been a good year for the global economy in our 100th year. After a period of high excess demand and high inflation in 2021 and 2022, 2023 was a year of low demand. This is also reflected in the world’s production and growth figures, The average growth rate has fallen to less than 3 percent, and global trade is also in a negative situation. There are different estimates from different organizations, but we know that global demand for imports has fallen to 5 percent. Demand in the European Union, to which we export 41 percent, fell by 13 percent in imports. It has been a difficult year in this regard. But despite this, the Turkish economy continues to show its success in the past 21 years “in 2023. We achieved 3.9 percent growth in the first six months and at least we did not decline in our exports. Because with the great earthquake disaster on February 6, our exports increased for the first time.” Once. “We have witnessed a loss of nearly $7 billion in 9 months, and yet this year we hope to increase our merchandise exports to $256 billion, an increase of $2 billion, and our exports of services to $100 billion, an increase of $11 billion. The cycle shows this. “

“The number of our exporters exceeds 115 thousand.”

Minister Polat stated that the Turkish economy continues its pace of growth, exports and job opportunities over the past 21 years, and said: “Today, we have more than 115 thousand exporters. This number was 33 thousand in 2002 and we are trying to successfully reduce the current account deficit this year. Program Medium ​​Range Our target (medium-term plan) was about 43 and a half billion dollars. We hope to maintain this number at 44-45 billion dollars. Last month, in September, we had a current account surplus of 1.9 billion dollars, in October and November , the current account balance was in a very slight deficit or in balance, and this will be able to close, so we will be able to reduce the annual current account deficit in September from 51.7 to 51.7 “We have a very simple target here. To export more each month than in the same month of the previous year. Thus, we will exceed the previous year in total in 12 months. We have been using this tactic since July. We are executing on our target: in July, August, September and October, our exports were higher than the same months of the previous year and were historic records. I hope the same thing happens in November. Our second goal is a little more difficult. To be able to export more each month than the previous month. We have achieved this so far. In July, August, September and October, we always achieved our export numbers in excess of the month. If we can increase our exports in these two simple ways, I hope we will continue to break records. This was announced by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance yesterday. As of November 17, our total foreign exchange reserves at the Central Bank amounted to $134.5 billion. We wouldn’t be surprised if we see foreign exchange numbers reaching $150 billion as of November 24. If a country has foreign exchange reserves that can cover at least 5.6 months of imports, it means its treasury is strong. “In this regard, the foreign exchange reserve of $134.5 billion is a very good figure,” he said.

“About 40 percent of Türkiye’s 2023 budget should be spent on the earthquake zone.”

Noting that the conditions in the world are difficult, Minister Omer Polat said: “The conditions are also difficult for our country. We have been exposed to a very severe earthquake disaster. We are trying to heal the wounds of the major earthquake disaster that covers 11 provinces. No. “40 percent of Turkey’s budget for 2023 must be spent On the earthquake zone. 104 billion dollars.” This figure calculated for the earthquake zone must be spent within approximately 2-3 years. Therefore, our budget revenues must be increased. “We need to produce more and we have to save in other areas and revive the earthquake zones as the first priority. It has been a serious struggle for 9 months. Another “We hope tens of thousands of people will get their homes before the year is over,” he said. “Industries are starting to smoke again, but we still have a lot of work to do there.”

“There is a very strong desire and will to deal with Turkey and develop its economic and trade relations.”

Speaking about some macroeconomic goals, Minister Polat said: “As a government, we announced our three-year medium-term program 2024-2026 at the beginning of September. Immediately after this program, we announced the 12th development plan with five goals. Over a year between 2024 -2028… Our goal for the year 2028 is about 5 percent on average… to achieve a development rate and increase the national per capita income to 17 thousand and 554 dollars… and if we achieve that, we will be in the high-income countries, God willing. Dealing with Turkey in the east, west and north And south all over the world is incredible in terms of developing economic and trade relations, there is a strong desire and desire, and it exists in America, Europe, Russia, eastern countries as well, and it also exists in African countries, from Japan to China, Korea, Malaysia, and at this stage, Turkey. “Turkey’s successful industrial capacity, which emerged during the Covid period, is higher than supply, and supply chains are not,” he said. “For Turkey, logistics is very strong, and the ability to reach European markets in two days has created a desire to consider Turkey as a strong base.” of global capital and industries.

“We fight against practices such as arbitrary price increases or stock-keeping, and we are determined to do so as well.”

Minister Omer Polat pointed out that there was devastation in the world and in Turkey during the epidemic period. Minister Omer Polat said:

“Covid has now left a pandemic. It is our duty to ensure that the market is more organized and balanced. At this stage, when we consider production to be a higher concept, we all have duties to prevent citizens and consumers from being exposed to danger.” I was damaged. An anti-inflation and anti-inflation program is being followed in Türkiye. In this sense, we combat practices such as arbitrary price increases or hoarding, and we are determined to do so. Since taking office, we have established regulatory mechanisms in the automotive industry and the real estate sector. We have frequently increased inspections and have never hesitated to impose investigations and administrative fines when necessary. New bag bill is coming. Action on this point will be further ‘worsened. We and the Competition Board are determined to combat exorbitant prices, monopoly and business practices. Significant price reductions have begun to be implemented through our dialogues and work with markets, food, furniture and clothing industries and more recently with ready-mixed concrete and cement producers. We are pleased to see this schedule More competition will bring more price cuts. No one will go bankrupt with these new numbers. Because in fact, in the last three years in Turkey, there has been a period of making very good money in industry, agriculture, services and trade during a period of high inflation. But our government At this stage, it did not give up its policies aimed at increasing incomes so that the purchasing power of consumers and citizens would not decrease or suffer losses, and it made sure that the incomes of all workers, employees, retirees and farmers rose. Do not remain under inflation. As a result of these inspections, we saw that our friends imposed administrative fines Worth 710 million liras in 10 months. More than hundreds of thousands of companies were inspected. We have endless respect for those who do their job properly. We are with them. “But sometimes, when there are bad apples and rotten eggs, we have to take them out of the clean basket,” he added.

Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance Mahmut Gurcan, Kocae Governor Eli Sedar Yavuz, Mayor Tahir Buyukakin and members of parliament also attended the program.

(Tags for translation)Omer Polat

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