More than 600 babies born in the past six months scheduled to receive RSV vaccine

More than 600 babies born in the past six months scheduled to receive RSV vaccine

On Monday, Aida took her six-month-old daughter Ariadna to the General Hospital to get vaccinated against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a pathogen that can cause illness in babies, especially premature babies. or infant systems with weakened immune systems. , a serious infection that sometimes leads to pneumonia and bronchiolitis. Ariadna is the first baby in CHUO to receive the RSV vaccine. On Monday, a mass immunization campaign for children currently aged 0 to 6 months born on or after April 1, 2023, was launched at three hospitals in the province. 634 babies will be called. Vaccination requires only one puncture.

More than 600 babies born in the past six months scheduled to receive RSV vaccine

Sergas recalled that syncytial virus was the most common reason for hospitalization in infants and young children. They are common infections in children and adults that affect the lungs and respiratory system, causing cold-like symptoms. In premature babies or babies with weakened immune systems, RSV can cause serious infections that can lead to bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Sergas said the use of monoclonal antibodies in vaccinations for protective purposes could allow for a rapid, immediate response to severe disease.

Following the call for babies born within the past six months, the health service has supplemented the immunization of newborns within 24 and 48 hours of birth, a measure that has been implemented in obstetric or neonatal units since last week. The policy will remain in effect until the end of the campaign on March 31.

From Monday to October 11, a total of 549 boys and girls were treated at Ourense University Hospital. Single-dose administration will take place in the innovation classroom located on the 0th floor of the new inpatient building. In addition, between yesterday and October 10, 46 more children were admitted to the Valdeorras hospital, while 39 children were admitted to the city of Behring. This week, 359 children were admitted to hospital across the province. For the rest of the week, vaccinations will be carried out only at the Ourense hospital and next Tuesday at the regional health center. Yesterday, on the first day of the mass immunization campaign, 109 babies were called up, 53 from Ourense, 31 from Valdeoras and 25 from Velin.

Parents do not need to go through any formalities or make an appointment to have their babies vaccinated against syncytial virus. They will receive a text message on their mobile phone from the Galician Health Service specifying the date and time for vaccination, in the same way as during immunization campaigns or appointments against COVID-19. .

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