Mother pleads for community help for son with leukemia

The Valdivia community is called to come together by the mother of a child under the age of 11 with leukemia who desperately needs donated platelets for treatment.

The family is from Kohek in the Essen region. Due to the complex condition, the child was referred to the Valdivia Base Hospital and is currently hospitalized.

“We’ve been here for about three weeks. My son Alonso started off with severe bronchitis and he’s being treated, but he’s not recovering,” said Barbara Corneira, mother of minors. Bárbara Conejera, adding that he later developed spots on his skin and problems with his mouth.

“We took him to the dentist and he consulted colleagues. They asked for an examination, they were frustrated and he was referred to the emergency department of the hospital in Kohaik and the next day they flew us by air ambulance because of his serious condition To Valdivia. He was in ICU for a week and then in ICU again,” the mother explained.

Now, to continue treatment, the minor needed platelets, and for that, Barbara called the Valdivia community. “I hope they will support us and donate platelets for my son. We are from Koyaik and I ask for your cooperation, it is urgent”, he emphasized.

Those who can donate please contact the Valdivia Base Hospital Blood Bank: Tel. 632 263769 or visit the website and donate for patient Alonso Maldonado Conejera (RUT 23.757.754-K).


To talk about donating blood is to talk about solidarity. The Ministry of Health said that human blood is indispensable and despite tremendous technological progress, we cannot manufacture it and can only obtain it through donations.

These donations allow patients who need transfusions to continue their treatment. In this type of surgery, they receive blood components (platelets, red blood cells, plasma, etc.) as needed.

In the case of donating platelets through apheresis, only one component, the platelets, is extracted and the rest is returned to the donor, a process that can shorten the time between one donation and another by as much as a week.

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