“Mothers – Life of Love”, a new Spanish medical drama, will be released on June 21 on Mediaset Infinity.

Mothers – life of love And medical drama Spanish, which tells about the daily life of the pediatric ward of the San Juan de Dios hospital through the eyes of the medical staff, young patients and their families.

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There first full season From Mothers – life of love will be available free and exclusive on Mediaset Infinity from 21st of June.

The series follows a long journey through the emotions of its characters. A path where doctors, mothers and patients establish relationships beyond the ordinary, where the ephemeral becomes familiar and where every decision carries inescapable weight.

In the hospital rooms are stories of eating disorders, rare diseases, the desire for motherhood and, above all, the stories of women who walked through the hospital doors with their children, putting aside their professions to become mothers, facing the uncertainty of diagnosis. , difficult relationships with doctors, and the effects of the passage of time outside the hospital.

Mothers – life of love it is a story of life and emotions in which they, mothers and doctors, fight for their children and for themselves. It won’t be an easy adventure, but they are the driving force behind it all; they are the main characters; they are Mothers.

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