Mr. Doctor explains why Daniel Bissonio suffered from pneumonia

TV host Daniel Bisogno’s health has deteriorated significantly since last year, when he was hospitalized several times for different conditions, but mainly lung disease. On Tuesday, February 20, his colleague and friend Pati Chapoy reported that he was becoming vulnerable again.

“As we informed you, I would like to tell you that yesterday I went to the hospital where Daniel Bissonio was hospitalized and the medical report they gave me showed that he had indeed been in the intensive care unit for 5 days. Chapoi He was being intubated, he said on the “Ventaneando” show, in which Bissonio also participated.

Despite a thorough medical check-up, Patty said his condition is stable and gradually improving as his body responds well to medication for the pneumonia condition that has left him bedridden: “They did a surgery today in the morning. Anna, they did a surgery.” Tomography. Today they are going to remove the tube and check if he can breathe on his own, which is difficult for him because his muscles don’t have the strength to breathe on his own.

In light of the entire situation, on Tuesday night, Dr. Octavio Arroyo, known as “Mr. Doctor” on social media, explained some of the possible triggers for Daniel’s clinical condition, although he noted that Daniel has no personal medical history of his own . ©dicts, and speculation based solely on content published by the artist and the media.

Arroyo said on his channel Youtube Based on Bissanio’s background, the entire pneumonia episode that plagued him could be related to cirrhosis of the liver, which can be caused by a variety of factors, such as hepatitis B or C, long-term alcohol and herbal use, and liver disease. “Which are these four? I don’t know.” (…) The fact is that cirrhosis is present, because otherwise there would be no portal hypertension and therefore no esophageal varices, “points out the expert.

The doctor explained that esophageal varices are thickenings of esophageal veins, and these veins become wider when portal hypertension is present; that is, the portal vein is the main source of pressure on the liver, and when cirrhosis occurs, the pressure in the portal vein increases because of the The organs become harder. Then, blood flow increases and this vein and smaller veins become congested, causing varicose veins.

“Cirrhosis weakens your immune system and promotes pneumonia, making it difficult to extubate. In my opinion, cirrhosis causes their defenses to weaken,” Mr. Doctor said. He also asserted that pneumonia is more common in patients over 65 years of age than in those over 50 years of age. Daniel’s age.

He also pointed out that the pneumonia may be caused by bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus: “Usually, when this bacteria causes pneumonia, it’s because bronchial aspiration occurs… One thing that often happens in patients with varicose veins is that one of them bleeds so much that they vomit a lot and can Aspiration of blood, even during revision endoscopy. The blood then enters the lungs and the blood grows. Staphylococcus aureus, It’s the cause of pneumonia in people with esophageal variceal bleeding,” he said.

Little is known about his health. Followers and friends prayed for his speedy recovery.

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