Mycoplasma pneumoniae epidemics among minors discovered in many regions in Germany

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authorities Germany Found in several areas of the country Mycoplasma pneumonia outbreak, Mainly affected infectious diseases minorFocus newspaper reported on Friday, citing doctors working in hospitals across the country.

According to media reports, cases of mycoplasma pneumonia were reported Children 5 to 16 years old from”many areas“From home.

“In fact, we see infections caused by mycoplasma, some of which Serious“Focus quoted a pulmonologist at the Alton Children’s Clinic in Hamburg as saying.

this disease symptoms Severe cough and airway obstruction, which most children and adolescents will develop Hospitalization It lasts from seven to ten days.evil accompanies complication Rarely, manifests as mucosal inflammation.

At the same time, temporarily Severe cases unknown illness requiring recourse Mechanical Ventilation Pulmonary.

World Health Organization spokesperson Margaret Harris earlier disclosed the mycoplasma pneumonia epidemic They lack pandemic potential.

In mid-October, China’s National Health Commission announced Increased cases of respiratory illnesseswhich explains the suspension of the veto imposed by Covid-19 and the spread of pathogens such as influenza, mycoplasma pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus and Covid-19 itself.

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