Mycoses (fungi)

Dear Noroeste readers, dermatomycoses (fungi) are very common in humans, and among athletes, there is even a fungal disease called athlete’s foot, so called because it was found in athletes, but It is common in anyone who wears closed shoes and anyone who wears closed shoes. Feet “sweat”. This kind of sweating is a breeding ground for fungi, resulting in fungal dermatitis. In addition to the feet, this condition can also be seen in the buttocks, armpits, scalp, etc.

What are mushrooms? They are eukaryotes with cell walls, lack chlorophyll and reproduce sexually or asexually (via spores). There are several types of mushrooms: yeast, mold (filamentous fungi), rust, and mushrooms. There are over 100,000 species of fungi, only a few hundred of which are important to medicine because of their potential for infection, allergies and toxicity. Many fungal spores are respirable, 2 to 20 microns in size, and come in various shapes and colors. These spores are more dispersed in dry weather, so they grow under favorable conditions such as organic material and the special humidity conditions of each species. These and bacteria contribute to the degradation of organic material.

As with any medical specialty, sports medicine must evaluate any risks that may cause an individual to develop fungal dermatitis; these risks can also be found in the nails (monomycosis). For the average person, it needs to be assessed whether it is primarily related to chemical, physical or biological exposure factors. Important biological agents include animals, bacteria, viruses, insects and parasites, plants and natural toxins. The possible route of exposure is ingestion, but dermal contact and inhalation are more important. Biological exposures occur indoors and outdoors and can occur in many spaces, so health risks and adverse health effects depend on the type or intensity of exposure.

The most serious fungus is the virulent fungus Stachybotrys maculata (atra), which can cause serious illness if a person is exposed intensely or for a long time to the environment (humidity, floods, contaminated animals, contaminated places such as schools, hospitals, courts, etc.) This happens. .), you will suffer health problems such as toxic effects on the lungs, eyes, skin, mucous membranes, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system, but any fungal infection will have effects and, if left untreated, complications may develop. resulting in death. So what to do when you suspect you have fungal disease:

Mycoses are usually diagnosed clinically, but when diagnosis requires culture, laboratory testing is necessary. In symptomatology this will be given according to the organ or system affected, in the case of dermatitis the main symptoms are pruritus (itching), redness of the area and sometimes the appearance of blisters on an organic level, for example in the respiratory tract it can Allergies manifest themselves in the form of allergies.

For management and treatment, prevention must be taken into account, in the latter case cleanliness, ventilation and the absence of humidity are important factors, experts can be consulted in case of natural events leading to flooding and humidity or other factors that favor the increase in fungal spores Bacteria are eliminated or controlled. It is also important that individuals do not neglect their immunity, as immunosuppressed people are susceptible to fungal diseases.

For the treatment of fungal syndromes, primary management includes control and prevention of exposure. If specific complications are present (such as the use of bronchodilators, antiallergics, or antibiotics), symptomatic medications and supportive care are required. The main goal should be to correct the effects and eliminate the root causes, such as keeping athletes’ shoes from moisture and using blotting papers on the feet.

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