national dysphonia day

Who is most affected by this pathology?

Often, teachers and other professionals are most affected, Because they use sound as a work tool for hours every day.

The onset of this disorder is a gradual process; generally, people adapt to the changes in their voices. This makes it difficult to identify it as a health problem arising from your work, delaying diagnosis and treatment of the disease, whether in its initial, acute or severe stages.

symptoms and causes

This disease is usually caused by vocal cord problems or inflammation of the vocal cords (laryngitis). The main symptom is that the voice is hoarse or harsher than usual, and it may sound forced or deeper when speaking, meaning the person has to make extra effort to express themselves.

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Allergies affecting the respiratory system

Cough caused by allergies or illness (such as bronchitis)

excessive use of voice

aneurysm of upper aorta

The foreign body is in the esophagus or trachea

Smoking and excessive drinking, especially when combined

ingestion of chemical liquids



There are no specific medical treatments for dysphonia. If we have a disease that may cause this condition, the doctor must indicate the most appropriate treatment for the person. Otherwise, some measures are:

Rest and time when this is not related to other illnesses

Try not to talk unless absolutely necessary

Don’t whisper as this can cause your vocal cords to become more tense than when you speak

Avoid or reduce smoking

Use an evaporator to humidify the air and eliminate suspended particles

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To prevent dysphonia, we can follow these simple tips:

Eliminate tobacco consumption

Avoid dehydrating agents like alcohol or caffeine

drink lots of fluids

Maintain ambient humidity

Eliminate spicy spices and alcohol from your diet

Do not speak for long periods of time or at high volumes

If you use your voice professionally, it is recommended to seek training and support from a speech therapist.

Avoid talking or singing when your voice is impaired

Dysphonia should always be evaluated by an otolaryngologist, as this specialist has the appropriate training and techniques to properly explore the larynx and provide good visualization of the vocal cords.

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