National Partner Day: 7 Keys to Its Benefits and What Temperatures to Take

Drinking yerba mate is a ritual involving gestures of friendship, sincerity and encounter between people. Today is Argentina’s National Partnership Day (illustrative image Infobae)

taking infusion companion This is part of the sacrificial ceremony argentine culture Today is a day worth celebrating.Since 2014, the National Congress has determined November 30 as national partner daycommemorating the birth of Commander Guaraní Andres Guacculari.

Guacurarí is commonly known as “Andrecito“He was the only indigenous governor in Argentina’s history. He promoted the production and sale of yerba mate.

According to data National Institute of Yerba Mate (INYM)In the country, each inhabitant consumes an average of 6.4 kilograms of yerba mate per year. More than 90% of households drink yerba mate. today’s Argentina is the world’s leading producer and second-largest exporter after Brazil.

It contains small amounts of vitamins (C, B1, B6, niacin), minerals, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron and is a powerful Antioxidantsalso helps reduce bad cholesterol, among other health benefits.

Football player Lionel Messi drank yerba mate at the 2022 Football World Cup and brought yerba mate greater visibility around the world (@leomessi)

Evidence from different scientific studies shows that even the generally accepted cleveland clinic The United States recommends yerba mate as one of the effective alternatives to morning coffee.

Mate became even more popular last year when football player Lionel Messi drank it during the 2022 Football World Cup. Here are 7 points to learn more about the benefits and curiosity of yerba mate:

Yerba mate was originally consumed by the Guaraní indigenous people. Today, the practice is common in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil (Illustrative image Infobae)

The consumption of yerba mate begins with South America More than 500 years ago.Everything stems from the fact that Guaraní indigenous community consumed is called Paraguayan holly. This plant can grow up to 16 meters long and lives in the Paraná Forest, an ecological zone in the current territories of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil.

The story is like this The Guaraní consider yerba mate a worshiped drink and currency. When Spanish conquistadors marched into South America, they observed that indigenous people in jungle areas were more resistant after drinking the drink.

Yerba mate is extracted from plants. Caffeine and other chemicals in yerba mate can stimulate the brain, heart, blood vessels, muscles, and other parts of the body.

Evidence suggests drinking yerba mate may help prevent type 2 diabetes/Getty

Consumption of yerba mate may reduce the risk of diabetes. According to observation, The higher the intake, the lower the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes..

After a 26-month study, which included 2,615 adults aged 35 to 74, the team determined that those who drank half a liter (550 ml) of yerba mate daily had a lower risk of developing the disease. Those who drink yerba mate every day. People who do not consume more than 100 milligrams per day or do not drink yerba mate at all.

This result remained even after accounting for other diabetes risk factors that may have affected the results.The research was conducted by Natalia Elorriagaresearcher at Conicet and the Center of Excellence for Cardiovascular Health of South America (Cescas).

In Argentina, mate represents unity and sharing, it helps socialize, promotes the creation of connections, prolongs or facilitates conversations, shortens distance, helps to become closer, relaxed and informal.

Sharing a partner makes it easier to get closer to other people. Consumption has multiple health benefits (Getty Images)

From parents to children, the habit of drinking yerba mate is passed down from generation to generation. For many parents, it is a point of pride for their children to start drinking yerba mate. Kids see it as a game and ask for it because it gets their attention.

Caffeine content A person can consume 400 mg per day, this number is equivalent to 3 or 4 cups of coffee.However, the equivalent is There are two or three mateadas during the dayAlberto Cormillot was a doctor specializing in obesity who founded and led the nutrition and health clinic that bears his name, the Dieta Club, the ALCO Foundation (Anonymous Against Fat Fighters).

It should be taken into consideration that if a person has anxiety or him hard to fall asleepthe suggestion is Do not drink yerba mate after 6 p.m.

Mate could help prevent diseases that affect the brain, such as Parkinson’s disease (Illustrative image Infobae)

In 2010, a review of laboratory animal and cell studies showed that consuming yerba mate could reduce altered cholesterol levels.

Another study by researchers at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina, showed that yerba mate may reduce the risk of bone mineral density loss in postmenopausal women: They noted that they should drink one liter of yerba mate every day.

In 2015, Lucas Brun and collaborators from the Osteobiology Laboratory of the School of Medicine at the National University of Rosario and Conicet researcher demonstrated that the bone mineral density and number of trabeculae in the bones of experimental animals were greater than they had received after cold-ripening companion.

In 2015, Argentinian neuroscientist Emilia Gatto speculated that there was a negative statistical relationship between partner consumption and the development of Parkinson’s disease. It considered 223 Parkinson’s disease patients and 406 control cases.

Yerba mate contains caffeine, which is a psychostimulant (Getty)

Four years later, Juan Ferrario, from the university’s Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences University of Buenos Aires Demonstrated that mate tea has properties that extend the lifespan of dopaminergic neurons in culture. This result supports the hypothesis that drinking yerba mate may prevent the development of Parkinson’s disease.Works published in professional magazines Movement disorders.

Some people believe that drinking yerba mate can cause gastritis.However, work led by Verónica Di Loreto, Ph.D. National University of Rosarioconfirmed that injecting yerba mate into healthy laboratory rats did not cause lesions consistent with gastritis.

“We took yerba mate infusions of different concentrations orally for 90 days. We found no changes in the gastric mucosa of rats.” the professional concluded, emphasizing that the experiment was conducted on healthy samples.

Another confusion is associating it with tumors. But this depends on the temperature at which you take it.According to the 2016 assessment International Agency for Cancer (International Agency for Research on Cancer), depending on World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that Drinking yerba mate at a temperature higher than 65 degrees Celsius can be harmful to human health.

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